Was I wrong to slap my sister?

2007-11-13 11:56 pm
We were at a Malibu Club, and I was a bit drunk but I had most of my self-control, I was at a table sitting alone after the girl I love left me, and my sister was down in the center of the club dancing with some stranger, and I was okay with that, but then he began rubbing her bottom and took her into the MENS bathroom, I went in and bust the stall open, they were making out, I grabbed his collar and threw him out.

I told her "What do you think this is cute? a stranger with my kid sister making out in the toilet?"

she told me that I cant tell her what to do and she will do what she wants to do. I told her to go away and she told me "I am not a baby anymore" and she will continue to do so and I slapped her and my friend took her home.

Was I in the wrong or her?

回答 (21)

2007-11-13 11:59 pm
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not for busting in i g uess but for hitting her yea
2007-11-14 12:05 am
i don't think you should have slapped her but maybe sat down with her and explained to her why you didn't approve of what she was doing. physically hurting someone isn't the way you should handle situations and you'd be surprised on how much more she would probably listen to you if you just talked .she's right you can't control her but let her know your there for her if she needs advice.
2016-10-16 10:23 pm
hi, I understand your ingredient of the story - how your sister could be very demanding, and you in elementary terms have that impulse to slap her around the face. despite the fact that, you do no longer choose for who she gets thus far - as long as she loves the guy she's wonderful. you mustn't have hit her nonetheless, see the way it only led to greater issues? Why no longer have a verbal replace with your sister and tell her the clarification why you incredibly hit her? tell her what annoys you and makes you experience like slapping her. If it does not artwork with your sister, you may communicate on your father and mom approximately this. maximum suitable desires =)
2007-11-14 4:58 am
Yes, slapping people is wrong.

Yes, what she did was sleezy, but you were wrong to get violent about it.

Now she's going to go even further out of her way just to p*ss you off even more.

Yes, that's stupid, but that's the most likely effect.

She isn't you. She isn't your property. You can't control her.
2007-11-14 12:56 am
yea, it was definitly wrong. while i think it's admirable that you care about your sister so much, it's never ok to hit someone. being a kid sister myself, i know there are oftentimes i do things that i normally wouldn't just to shock my older brother when he drives me nuts with his overprotectivness. feel free to beat the sh** outta any guy who messes with your sister, but don't take it out on her. even if she is in the wrong,because she is an adult. it could ruin any brother/sister relationship you have left.
2007-11-14 12:38 am
I think you're a really good brother and I wish I have a brother like you. However... yes when you slap her in public especially it hurts... talk to her openly and sincerely. I'm sure she knows that you love and care about her and all you want to do is to protect her. Tell her you're not against her have a boyfriend but it's cheap to make out in the toilet, you want her to have class and apologize to her that you'll not hit her anymore. Let her know you'll respect her as an adult but at the same time you hope she'll has some respect in herself too....
2007-11-14 12:17 am
Is your sister old enough to be in a club (is she 21)? If so, no matter how bad of a choice it was, she is old enough to choose whether she makes out in the men's room. I do not disagree with you breaking it up though. But, you can't slap her. It is just not ok to hit. I am guessing that your are a good brother looking out for his sister. Just be a little less hot headed. Don't take your sister to clubs if she's too young. It will always end up being trouble for you.
2007-11-14 12:10 am
You were very wrong. First off, I'm gonna assume she isn't 12 years old because you were in a club. Second, like it or not, teens need to experience things on their own. Things happen but they don't learn by being stuck at home waiting for a priest to take them to the next "Good" party. Maybe it was stupid to kiss a stranger, but that's her choice, and she has a right to it. She's right; she isn't a baby anymore, and you are not her parent. Have you not stupid things when you were her age? Live a little and realize that it is only through living that you learn right from wrong. She could press charges on you, as someone before me mentioned, you're lucky if she doesn't. Just be glad she was not having sex with someone with HIV or anything that would ruin her life. This would be worse than what she actually did. Think about it.
2007-11-14 12:10 am
Hey John, I know this is no laughing matter to you, but the way you tell your story... you really totally cracked me up, man.
What a great scene you created in my mind. As for busting your sis, I'm all for it, but hitting her was a bit much. If you choose to apologize to her (c'mon take the high road with you sis), please don't use the lame excuse that you were drunk. It will only ruin your apology. Keep taking care of her but in a way that she will feel protected by you. Hope all goes well, take care.
2007-11-14 12:07 am
What u have done is wrong when it comes to law but if u take cultural values of life u have done the right thing. I cant blame you or you sister for this matter. Infact we Charity begins at home. This means that its how you have been broughtup. If you had good cultural values of life this would have never happen. This is just not your story but many people are going through this because of loss of cultural values.
Suppose if you did something with another girl of same age as your sister , you would have enjoyed because she is someone's else sister but when it comes to your sis , things screw up.
My good suggestion is that life is meant to be enjoyed but ther are other moral of life that you go and enjoy , but not the places like nitclubs. It wont give you anything but will take your whole life. So I strongly suggest you sit down not only with your sister but whole families and talk it over.
Try to get your moral life back. Enjoy with the whole family together at home or outside.
You will have better parth therafter and this scenario will never going to come in future.
Change now to avoid destruction in future.
2007-11-14 12:04 am
You do not have any right to slap your sister. You owe her a HUGE apology.
Maybe you didn't like her behavior but it's not your job to monitor or JUDGE her. You're lucky the guy she was with didn't smack the crap out of you.
Don't ever lay another finger on her. I'd encourage her to press charges if you did.

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