Why do I get sleepy after eating lunch/dinner?

2007-11-13 9:46 pm
A lot of people are aware of them getting sleepy after eating a meal but we don't really know why. Do what's the real reason of why we tired after eating? Is it because of overeating?

回答 (12)

2007-11-13 9:50 pm
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If you eat heavy food that contain lots of carbs then you'll feel sleepy. Pasta knocks me out usually. Potatoes, heavy meats, junk food...that all makes you sleepy. I guess it's bc your body is working hard to digest the food so then you get sleepy.
Try eating lighter...or at least try to balance what you eat. Salads are nice and light! :)
2007-11-13 9:51 pm
It is because you are eating to many of the wrong carbs at lunch. Carbs turn into glucose which spikes the blood sugar and if you don't have enough protein to cover this your blood sugar drops very suddenly causing you to feel sleepy.
2016-11-01 2:19 am
Sleepy After Dinner
2016-04-14 2:30 pm
It's your body diverting energy to the digestive process, and also it's natural way of encouraging you not to do anything too active, which might cause your hard-working gut muscles to cramp up.

For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDCvq
2007-11-13 9:54 pm
because it takes energy to digest the food, thus making you tired
2007-11-13 9:54 pm
Carbohydrates turn into quick energy, thus resulting in a quick fall from that energy. White breads, potatoes and such are carbo's. Carbs are stored as glucose to which turns into fat. Change what you eat and how. Yes we need carbs in our diets, but we have to learn, by trial and error, which ones are for our bodies. I personally know I cannot eat the starchy carbs such as potatoes, white breads etc. for I rise and fall very quickly. And of course we tend to go for fast foods with a lot of starches and fats.
2007-11-13 9:51 pm
There is a big concentration of strengths to digest the food in the stomach. Our brain gives priority to it and so we get sleepy.
2007-11-13 9:50 pm
Well yes overeating and eating the wrong foods. I try to eat more proteins during lunch such as grilled chicken so I will not be tired when going back to work for the second half. The fatty and starchy foods make us tired. trust me! :)
2007-11-13 9:50 pm
The body is spending energy to digest the food that you have just eaten
2007-11-13 9:50 pm
Digestion requires extra oxygen, and when oxygen levels to the brain decreases, you'll feel sleepy.

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