can you help me make a scheduale for school to help improve my grades?

2007-11-13 9:37 pm
im in 6th and on my last report card i got 2 D's and 3 F's and i really wanna get my grade up plz help me think off a scheduale to get more ready and prepared

Thank you so much

回答 (23)

2007-11-13 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-Wake up
-Eat breakfast
-Brush Teeth
-Go to school
-Listen in school <-- Very important
-Go home
-Set aside enough time for homework and a study area
-go over everything you need for the next day and make sure you have it all

+ make sure you are orginized. Have a different binder/notebook and notebook for each class

Hope this helps
2016-05-23 12:59 pm
It won't erase it from your records, but I'm definitely sure that'll it improve your grades for next year. All they do in summer school is give you homework and worksheets to work on so you'll be able to remember the lessons. All of this work will help, so keep practicing, and you'll get there. You won't be able to enter summer school though, if they don't recommend this to your parents. I mean, A's and B's are passing, D's I'm not so sure, but if they average that with your other grades, it can still be passing. :) An F isn't that good, but if it's only one F, then they'll probably only make you study the subject that you got the F in. Yes, they'll replace the failing grades, there's no doubt about that. :) If you didn't attend summer school, then you might fail the grade level . . . so don't try to skip or avoid summer school, because it's a serious thing you'll be doing during the summer break. Keep practicing is all I have to say!! ^_^
2007-11-14 1:02 am
1.) "Listen" you your teacher attentively in class. Always asked questions if you don't understand. Take good notes, or borrow other students notes and cross checking see what you've missed.

2.) Do not watch too much TV, or stoping play with your nintendo or computer games. Do "ALL" of your homeworks, againg either asked your parents, classmate or teacher if you don't understand or need help with your homework.

3.)REVIEW previous homework, make sure you understand the basic or what you've failed. You'll probably have to sacrificed you weekends.

4.) Get a Tutor if neccessary.
2007-11-13 10:36 pm
First thing first stop watching a lot of T.V. concentrate more on the studying.
Next, ask your teacher if you can make up any of your work or do some kind of extra credit.
Finally, when you come home from school go directly to your room and do your homework. The longer you wait the more you don't want to do it. And so you don't take frequent breaks stash some food and drink in your room so you won't get hunger.

Hope you do better!!!!
2007-11-13 10:06 pm
Yes, here's the key.. Active remembering. What you need to do is this... At lunch go over briefly what you learned so far that day. Nothing crazy, just a short 5 minute review. (Make sure to take good notes in class), then eat lunch. As soon as you get home that day, do another brief review of everythng you learned that day. Then, go do your homework. Then relax. Now, each day of the week, you follow these steps, and also review continously all material for that week. So that, on tuesday, after you review what you learned that day, also go back over mondays notes, then weds go over monday and tuesday again too.. Until on friday, you're reviewing monday, tuesday, weds, thurs, AND friday. Unless you have a test on the following monday, then do not study at all on saturday, just relax, watch cartoons, whatever, then do a nice final review on sunday. And on monday, you start all over again with the new weeks information. Understand?
2007-11-13 9:47 pm
ok, well 6th grade is easy. all you really need to do to do well is your homework and keep your employability points up. tests probably don't matter as much so you should definitely have your homework come before anything else. trust me because i've always done really well in school.
2007-11-13 9:46 pm
A schedule as in when you should study and when you should do your homework?

As a teacher the first thing you need to do is get yourself organized. Once you have papers and study guides where they belong, do your homework and TURN IT IN! To study for test you should not wait until the last minute . . .you should take each bit of information that you are given and study it the night you get it. Studying all subjects a little bit each night is better than waiting the day or two before test. It will seem overwhelming at first but you CAN do this! Best of luck to you =)
2007-11-13 9:43 pm
why don't you make it a point to finish all your homework after school before you can go play with your friends. If you get stuck on a problem ask your teachers for help. Have your mom or dad check your homework every night to make sure its done, and maybe if you have a friend with the same goals as you, you guys can study together for test that may come up.

Good Luck
2007-11-13 9:42 pm
As soon as you get home do at least some of your homework. I am assuming that spelling was one of your lower grades. It is schedule not scheduale. When typing on the computer, use spell check as much as possible. Look at the suggestions it gives for words spelled wrong.

After dinner, do the rest of your homework. If you have a test, is there someone in your household who can quiz you? If you have a project due, do not wait until the last minute. Make sure all your work is turned in neatly and on time.

Lastly, get a good night's sleep and eat breakfast in the morning.
2007-11-13 9:42 pm
You need to get serious about the books, always put them before anything else. The day before your test, study until you have your material memorized, then the next morning when you get up, study some more, then before the test, study some more. Dont just read the material, but get interested in it, relate it to something you like. Understand what it is you are learning, get a friend to quiz you, make practice test, research the internet for info on what you are learning.

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