Good weight loss plan?

2007-11-13 8:24 pm
I began my diet Nov 06 and I weighed 180 lbs. Taebo & atkins helped me lose a good amount of weight. Then I hit a plateau (got depressed and then basically quit working out as hard but have maintained all the weight off). I weigh 149 lbs now. I want to lose about 25 more lbs (i'm 5'4").

So I started my diet again. I run 1 mile at 5.0//5.2 mph on the treadmill for the past couple of days. I also do lots of crunches and occasionally jump on the elliptical for 10 minutes. The running is extremely difficult, but I somehow make it and run 1 mile without stopping. I also use weights at home and do bicep/tricep exercises throughout the day. My diet consists of mainly vegetables and now I'm thinking about incorporating some foods that are high in fiber.

My question is ... Is this an effective plan for weight loss? Is 1 mile on the treadmill everyday enough cardio? I want to lose 15 lbs by new years... Is that feasible?

回答 (37)

2007-11-13 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Any activties you find interested enough to keep doing is good. Believe it or not, body does have it's own mind. If you push it too hard, it'll rebel one way or another. Just keep what you enjoy to do. Take it from me, I've lost 40+lbs doing snowboarding and inline skating, of coz, with sensible diet.
Yes, it is quite feasible to lose 15lbs by new year (with dieting NO LESS than 1200 calories a day). Consider lossing 2lbs a week, u still have plently of time :)
2017-03-08 12:27 pm
enjoy sweet ice cream but go for ones made out of goat s milk or almond milk for half the calories
2016-08-05 5:39 pm
soups can be both filling and comforting try making a garden or bean soup with low salt broth and store in portion sized cups for later
2016-05-31 7:23 pm
Exercise in the morning to speed up weight loss
2016-05-15 9:11 am
I've lost 5 kilos in my first week. It's my 10th day and I have included salad with some protein (eg. egg/ lean chicken) as you suggested. After 4 years of trying, the fat is finally coming off. It truly feels like magic!

Get started today!
2016-04-09 4:32 pm
Get tips from weight loss community
2007-11-13 8:54 pm
Yes, it is feasible to lose 15 lbs. by new year's. I have the same goal. I wanted to talk for a minute about diet and exercise. First of all, congrats on the progress you've made; that's really amazing. Second, if running is extremely difficult for you, then race-walk instead. If you go at least 1/2 and at 4mph minimum, that should suffice for your cardio. Believe me, if you're watching your intake, the pounds will just melt away. Finally, a diet very low in animal products (meat, dairy, eggs) and high in fruits, veggies, and whole grains is VERY good for you. Don't think of it as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change. When you are trying to lose weight, aim for 1500-1850 calories a day. You should lose 1 to 2&1/2 lbs per week, more at first. Since you've already lost a lot of weight, you already know that the more you push it during exercise sessions, the faster you'll lose. A diet lower than 1500 calories per day will send your body into starvation mode if you exercise vigorously every day. Also, it doesn't allow for treats, which you need in your diet to avoid feeling deprived. Best of luck! Email me near New Years and we'll compare results. It helps when you know others have the same goals :)
2007-11-13 8:38 pm
Well to answer the two small questions first, yes you can drop 15 lbs. by Jan 1. and yes a mile a day on the treadmill is plenty!
Now for the main question. Atkins diet has show to be unhealthy for you so quit that RIGHT NOW! Your best of all plan is the usda healthy eating plan which incorporates a very good balance of all the food groups so they can work together for weight loss and at the same time keep you healthy and feeling good so you can do all your exercise. A balanced diet is the way to a good weight and good strength. This is real old information but it is the best for you and your body.
參考: general knowledge and personal experience(70 lbs. later)
2007-11-13 8:29 pm
what you need to do is try adding some hills in your running, your body is used to the mile or try doing what i know as 30/60's or 60/120's. You sprint for the shorter time and jog/run for the longer time. You do about 5-10 reps. Also add some lunges with the weights ate home. try doing some ab work too. now that you've lost the weight you need to tone it a little bit
2007-11-13 8:27 pm

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