Why are there so few HOT girls at my high school?

2007-11-13 7:46 pm
Im 16, and I go to high school in an university area. Its a small school of 500 students. When I first came to my school, there used to be a few girls who looked nice, and one really HOT girl. But they all moved out and now I feel so BORED at my school! Other schools close by aren't like that, because they are all big action schools loaded with hot chicks. What happend?! Its soo boring to not have any good looking girls around.

回答 (7)

2007-11-13 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm feeling the same way. You'll just have to manage with the decent girls you have at your school now, unless you want change schools due to your boredom (which isn't that great of a reason IMO). But hot girls aren't only found in schools; try picking up in malls or on the street, it's a lot more challenging and fun.
2007-11-14 3:51 am
You scared them all off, lover boy.
2007-11-14 3:51 am
because im 27 and left school years ago .xxxxxxx
2007-11-14 3:51 am
You go to school to learn or you go to school to look for a "HOT" girl? If you want "Hot" girl to to a modeling agency. lol good luck.
2007-11-14 3:50 am
and how are we supposed to know.....?

and just try to get to know the next one of the girls you think is cute or hot.
2007-11-14 3:50 am
Change schools? It may be because you go to that school, you are tired of looking at the same girls every day so you get bored with them, thats why you dont find them hot anymore.
2007-11-14 6:01 pm
Please don,t think about the figures & face of every girl, instead of going on their natural beauty.

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