Help me my boyfriend broke up with me!!!!!!?

2007-11-13 7:33 pm
My boyfriend just broke up with me, he didn't tell me he had on of my friends to tell me and he did tell them why what should I do? What should I do if he asked me back?

回答 (38)

2007-11-13 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i think you should move on there are lots of other fish in the sea
2007-11-13 7:36 pm
Get over him while you can. Don't spend any more time or effort or him or else you'll feel obligated to keep the relationship working. Don't take him back either, if he truly cared about you he wouldn't want you feeling horrible.

The way he did the "break-up" also tells a lot about his character--it was cowardly!
參考: personal experience
2007-11-13 7:38 pm
This is because he's not "man" enough to tell you face to face. You should get over with it and move on. Find a new one, who knows maybe you'll find someone better. Never look back in a relationship when it's over.
2007-11-13 7:37 pm
Carmen, why would you want someone back that doesn't want you? Move on sweets and find a guy that will love you. Plus, he had someone else do it for him. He needs to grow up. Sounds like you are young. There's another guy right around the corner!
2007-11-13 7:43 pm
carmen the guy is a joke! if he isnt man enough to tell you to your face, then what exactly is he possibly hiding? suck it up, pull some courage out and call him and get the answer directly... how do you know your friend dont want him for her/himself? i would find out why and i say dont take him back! any man who doesnt take their relationships seriously to begin with wont ever take it seriously ever and will keep doing bad things to see how far you can be pushed so stay strong and dont let anyone push your feelings around! he sounds like a loser!
2007-11-13 7:40 pm
Wow! What a coward! He isn't worth your time and is obviously immature. You can find someone better than that. There are some really great guys out there. If he decides he wants you back tell him that he had his chance and blew it. If he did this to you once what's to say that he won't do it again?
2007-11-13 7:38 pm
Hmm... you must be in middle school? Take the free time and enjoy, my dear. Go out with friends, if you're old enough for a drink go have a couple of them too. Ask you back? Are you nuts why would you go back to someone who decided after dating you they didn't like who you are. That would be equivalent to putting yourself down. Besides, who wants a man with no ba lls... Had one of his friends tell you... Sheesh...
2007-11-13 8:02 pm
Move on and be happy! And whatever you do don't give him another chance, he will think that he is in charge and that your gulable and vulnerable! (means: you fall for whatever he says) If it seems to be to hard to just get over him, try to be friends w/ him and if that doesn't work then you know he doesn't want you back cuz, he won't want anything to do with you. Try to picture him with like a big eyeball in the middle of his forehead( it will be hilarious and make you feel a whole lot better about getting over him!!) Because, if you try to get back w/ him he will use you then crush you the same way he picked you up and put you back together w/ his lies! I don't mean to be harsh, and if this is not what you wanted to here then I can give you another solution! If he wants you back, and he tries his hardest to get back w/ you and says he loves you, tell him to prove it to you and to mean it! I'm very sorry, that this happened to you!
參考: I had it happen to me except I fell for his stupid game! Thats why I'm giving you the best advise, before you make the same mistake!!
2007-11-13 7:40 pm
How old are you?
If you are under 21 then move on with your life. I know nothing about you but I know that break ups are part of growing up.
How many years were you with this man?
If you have spent less than 3 years together move on with your life.
"There are plenty of fish in the sea." It may sound stupid, but you need to grow as an individual before you are ready for a relationship.
I am 29 years old and I am still growing as an individual. My number one problem was I was afraid to be on my own and thought I needed a girlfriend. I have been single for 5 years now and I LOVE it.
Try to get past the pain, but believe me when I say that time will heal the suffering you are experiencing at this time.

2007-11-13 7:38 pm
You mean he told a friend to break with you for him? What a coward! Hon, you can prove to him that you have a life, and can move on. If he contacts you again, let him do the talking. It's up to you if you want to go back.
2007-11-13 7:47 pm
I wouldn't be to quick to judge him. Granted that was a cowardly act but maybe he was affraid of seeing you in pain. Before you making any decisions that could haunt you sit down and talk with him find out the real reason why and than analyze your options. Guys sometimes take longer to realize what good things they may have. I hope this works out for the best for all involved.

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