how to lose stomach fat/ make abs more visible?

2007-11-13 7:14 pm
Hello. I've been doing crunches/sit-ups for a while now and my abs are finally showing well, but not to the extent i want. How can i lose that little excess area around the abdomen? Any help would appreciated.
Thank you.

just so you all now i am 14

回答 (7)

2007-11-13 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案


Jump rope.

Heavy bag.




Run some more.

And for Heaven's sake, drink LOTS of water!
2016-05-23 11:49 am
If you lose enough then yes, as long as you're not losing muscle along with the fat (no starvation diet please! eat less fat to lose fat, don't eat less calories!)
2007-11-13 8:13 pm
If you mean you wanna look like male models in mags, you'll have to lower your body fat percentage to lower than 9%, which is almost impossible for 90% of the adult population in the world. Getting there is hard, it's even harder to maintain. Genetic is one big factor, the other is age. But I must say, it is still feasible with extremely straight dieting and execrising. Other than that, I'm afraid liposuction is the answer (I'm not a big fan of self mutalation).
2007-11-13 7:18 pm
For me it was extra water that was really making my skin puffy and not tight. I have been taking Diuretics and it looks much better now. Of course I am assuming you are eating a low fat/sugar diet as well.
2007-11-13 7:17 pm
Crunches with weights on chest!
2007-11-13 7:17 pm
Its all in your diet. Working out only tones the muscles under the chubs. Eat properly while continuing to work out.
2007-11-13 7:16 pm
Try some cardio, running and jump roping helped me a lot.

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