stand in our way點解?

2007-11-14 7:42 am
stand in our way點解?

回答 (4)

2007-11-14 1:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
直譯其實也能大概了解此句的含意 :




「Your laziness is standing in our way!」



「I can do this job a lot faster, if you are not standing in the way!」

參考: me, myself & I
2007-11-14 3:46 pm
if someone or something stands in your way, of course, 阻住.

But it doesn't have to mean something or someone really physically standing in your way.

It may mean something or someone is in your way, therefore, you cannot do or finish what you want to do.

E.g. I would have finished already if you were not standing in my way.
I would have finished already if you were not in my way.
2007-11-14 7:51 am

即係好似有人企o係度block住你咁, 引申為阻擋既意思。
參考: myself
2007-11-14 7:50 am

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