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This article is about Japanese cuisine. For other uses, see Sushi (disambiguation).
Many types of sushi ready to be eaten.In Japanese cuisine, sushi (寿司, 鮨, 鮓, sushi?) is a food made of vinegared rice, usually topped with other ingredients including fish (cooked or uncooked) and vegetables. Sushi as an English word has come to refer to a complete dish with rice and toppings; this is the sense used in this article. The original word Japanese: 寿司 sushi, written in kanji, means "snack" and refers to the rice, but not fish or other toppings.[1] Outside of Japan, sushi is sometimes misunderstood to mean the raw fish by itself, or even any fresh raw-seafood dishes [2]. In Japan, sliced raw fish alone is called sashimi and is distinct from sushi.
There are various types of sushi: sushi served rolled inside nori (dried and pressed layer sheets of seaweed or alga) called makizushi (巻き) or rolls; sushi made with toppings laid with hand-formed clumps of rice called nigirizushi (にぎり); toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu called inarizushi; and toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice called chirashi-zushi (ちらし).
2007-11-13 22:16:22 補充:
2007-11-13 22:23:35 補充:
握壽司 :握壽司是最受歡迎的種類。基本是將醋飯捏成糰狀,再蓋上切片的魚生,壽司的大小以一口可吃下為標準。握壽司講求材料新鮮,由選購到處理到刀功,師傅的經驗缺一不可。靚的壽司飯不可過實或過鬆,捏的技巧要適可而止,不會入口像石頭,亦不會一夾便散開,調味要剛剛好。
2007-11-13 22:24:09 補充:
卷壽司 :卷壽司是將壽司捲成長條後再切段食用。卷壽司有太卷(粗卷)和細卷,用一整張紫菜包的壽司叫太卷(約 4 cm),常用的材料有鰻魚、雞蛋和黃蘿蔔;只用半張的是細卷(約 2 cm)。製作卷壽司最好緊而不實、鬆而不散,飯也不可過多,否則紫菜很容易破爛。卷壽司的分量不輕,一般人在吃完握壽司和其他菜餚後,才決定要不要點一份卷壽司,因為卷壽司有用來填飽肚子的意思。
2007-11-13 22:26:13 補充:
手卷壽司 :手卷壽司即是壽司飯配魚生或海鮮,再用烤紫菜捲成甜筒狀的壽司。由於以紫菜包著,材料的水分不可太多,否則紫菜很快變腍,失去脆卜卜的口感。好吃的手卷入口要香脆,一定要快吃,時間一耐,材料的水分便會滲出,令紫菜失去鬆脆的口感。食時用筷子蘸些少豉油在手卷內。
2007-11-13 22:27:41 補充:
押壽司 :押壽司是最具代表性的關西風味壽司。特色是以木箱壓成方形飯糰,再切成六個平均整齊的方形壽司。壓的過程要緊實,中間夾著的魚類和昆布都須事先用醋泡過。外形精緻,食時毋須蘸任何調味料。即使在日本,吃箱壽司的食店也愈來愈少。