
2007-11-14 5:16 am
Diana, Princess of Wales understood the power of her role in the public's eye, and used that understanding to change attitudes to important issues of the day. She is remembered for her devotion to all the causes she supported, but particularly for her championing of hitherto ‘unpopular’ causes - such as those suffering from HIV/AIDS; those afflicted by Leprosy and those whose lives had been devastated by landmines.

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2007-11-14 5:23 am
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Diana, Princess of Wales understood the power of her role in the public's eye, and used that understanding to change attitudes to important issues of the day.
戴安娜,威爾士的公主在民眾的眼睛裡理解她的角色的能力, 並且使用那理解把態度變為日子的重要的問題。

She is remembered for her devotion to all the causes she supported, but particularly for her championing of hitherto ‘unpopular' causes - such as those suffering from HIV/AIDS; those afflicted by Leprosy and those whose lives had been devastated by landmines. 適合她的熱愛兌一全部她支援,但是對她來說擁護的原因她記得至今npopular '引起 - 象那些群受的HIV /愛滋病之苦那樣; 麻風病和地雷已經破壞其生命的那些痛苦的那些。

2007-11-15 3:50 am
戴安娜,威爾士的公主在民眾的眼睛裡理解她的角色的能力, 並且使用那理解把態度變為日子的重要的問題。 她適合她的熱愛那裡記得隨著全部她支持,但是對她來說擁護的原因那兒至今¯unpopular 引起 - 象那些受的HIV /愛滋病之苦那樣; 麻風病和地雷已經破壞其生命的那些痛苦的那些。

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