
2007-11-14 3:41 am
What were the effects of the formation of Triple Alliance and Triple Entente?

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2007-11-15 3:33 am
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The Triple Entente ("entente" — French for "agreement") was the alliance formed in 1907 among the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the French Third Republic and the Russian Empire after the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente. The UK already had the Entente Cordiale with France since 1904, while France had concluded the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1894.



1915年的歐洲軍事聯盟。同盟國以深褐色表示,協約國以灰色表示,中立國以黃色表示。1881年5月,法國奪得突尼西亞這個義大利希望得到的殖民地。於是,為了得到支援,義大利加入德國和奧匈帝國的同盟,結為三國同盟。不過,義大利的民意並不太滿意與奧匈帝國結盟,因為她曾阻止義大利統一,並且仍然控制著被認為是「尚未收復的義大利」 (Italia irredenta)的特倫蒂諾和伊斯特拉。




The Triple Alliance was a military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy that lasted from 1882 until the start of World War I in 1914. Each member promised mutual support in the event of an attack by any two other great powers, or for Germany and Italy, an attack by France alone. In a supplementary declaration, Italy specified that her undertakings could not be regarded as being directed against the United Kingdom. Shortly after renewing the Alliance in June 1902, Italy secretly extended a similar guarantee to France.

Italy joined the German-Austrian Alliance to form the Triple Alliance partly in anger at the French seizure of Tunisia in 1881, which many Italians had seen as a potential colony. However, Italian public opinion remained unenthusiastic about their country's alignment with Austria-Hungary, a past enemy of Italian unification, and whose Italian-majority districts in the Trentino and Istria were seen as Italia irredenta ("unredeemed Italy").

In the years before World War I, many distinguished military analysts predicted that Italy would change sides. This prediction was strengthened by Italy's invasion and annexation of Tripoli, bringing it into conflict with the German-backed Ottoman Empire.

When Germany and Austria-Hungary found themselves at war in August 1914 with the rival Triple Entente of Britain, France, and the latter's ally, Russia, Italy pledged its support to the Central Powers, but subsequently entered the conflict on the side of the Entente against Austria-Hungary in May 1915 and Germany in August 1916.

Italy's ideas for maintaining the balance of power in Europe clearly gravitated towards major alliances, even if they were a passive member. Italy's reasoning for not siding with the Central Powers was that the Triple Alliance was a defensive alliance, but Germany and Austria-Hungary had taken the offensive. It is also thought that Britain and Italy had an agreement about the Mediterranean. Britain needed access to the Mediterranean, so that she could access her African and Indian empires easily. Because Italy is surrounded by the Mediterranean, it could not afford to fall out with Britain. This is thought to be another reason that Italy changed sides.
參考: wikipedia

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