有關bio quickquickquick

2007-11-13 8:35 am
From OXFORD New Mastering Basic Concepts Book 1
In Vascular bundle, xylem(transports water and minerals)
phloem(transports foods)
But when I do the past paper which chapter is Photosynthesis Mc 1997 no.18
I need to know that which of them is/are the death-cell.

回答 (1)

2007-11-14 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
當然xylem是 dead-cell啦~因為xylem呢個組織既中心已經完全degenerate,所以無晒cell既function(無nucleus)‧

而Phloem就由兩種cell組成,一種係sieve tube element,呢隻野本身無nucleus,但係隔離既companion cell(有nucleus)就負責控制sieve tube element既cellular function,所以phloem並不是死的‧

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