I met a girl at a party. When should i ask her out?

2007-11-12 8:54 am
It was an all night party on Saturday. Slept all day Sunday. I'm going to phone her on Monday. Should I ask her out on that day? Don't want to seem pushy.

回答 (9)

2007-11-12 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sure call the girl ask her out...She is probably waiting by the phone wondering why you haven't called her yet....
2007-11-12 8:58 am
mmm maybe ask her for abnother day so she could plan it and be ready
2007-11-12 8:57 am
just go ahead and dont ask such simple questions...
just tell her- hai doll let's go for a coffee.
2007-11-12 9:04 am
right away dummy!
she s gonna think your not interested cause you were just looking for a one night stand and getting her number was just being polite!
(dude, you have to think like a woman!)
2007-11-12 9:00 am
Since u got her number, why not chat with her on phone and decided whether she is the right one for u before dating her out.
2007-11-12 8:59 am
first call her and talk to her on phone.If possible arrange for meetings through friends but without letting her know about that.After 1 or 2 such meetings and calls you can ask for a date and be assured for a positive reply
2007-11-12 8:57 am
Dont call her until like tuesday or wednesday... if she still seems interested, call her back like next monday and ask her out for friday or saturday.
2007-11-12 8:57 am
Well, it depends on how the conversation goes. If she seems into you then go for it.
But definitely don't wait til Friday to ask her out!
2007-11-12 8:56 am
if she gave you her number, you should just ask her out already.

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