
2007-11-13 6:53 am
오늘이 마지막이어야 하는가..?
이런 생각만...들어...
우리 이쁜 yuki..^^
그래서.. 니 마음에..상처 안받았으면 좋겠어..^^
오늘이 마지막이어야하는가?
사랑하는데..왜 못볼까?
..사랑하는데....왜.... 같이 있지 못할까?
사랑하는데...왜.... 사랑한다고 말할수 없을까?


回答 (3)

2007-11-13 12:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
오늘이 마지막이어야 하는가..?
今天 是否一定是最後(一次)了..?
이런 생각만...들어...
우리 이쁜 yuki..^^
그래서.. 니 마음에..상처 안받았으면 좋겠어..^^
所以.. 你心裡.. 沒有受到傷害就好了..^^
오늘이 마지막이어야하는가?
今天 是否一定是最後(一次)了..?
사랑하는데..왜 못볼까?
既然相愛(愛我).. 為何不能相見?
..사랑하는데....왜.... 같이 있지 못할까?
..既然相愛(愛我).... 為何.... 不能在一起?
사랑하는데...왜.... 사랑한다고 말할수 없을까?
既然相愛(愛我).... 為何.... 說不出愛我的說話?
2007-11-13 7:30 am
一再..... 今天是,并且它最后。? 象这想法…它仅听,… 相当。 ^^我们俏丽的油木。 它爱的^^,… 如此。 [ni]在头脑里。 当它不由死亡失去妻子, [coh] [keyss] [e]。 是^^感恩的今天前并且? 它爱。 它爱的^^。 地方,它爱。 它不会看见为什么? . 它爱地方…. whereWhy…. 它不可能一起是? 地方,它爱…为什么…. 它爱,那那里不会是谈话的可能性与果皮?果皮?
2007-11-13 6:57 am
Different value for diferent customers
1, Product-for-Price value: Customers who equate value with price are classic price switchers. They perceive the product as commodity and consider all suppliers the same. They focus merely on the core product rather than the entire service being offered by the company. E.g. super discount from department store.
2, Convenience Value: Firms make it easy for the customers to access their products and services and to deal with them. This aspect of value creation has been enhanced by technogy through the internet. E.g. 7-11 Store offer convenience services but charge a higher price.
3, Choice-based value: Giving customers a variety of options in selection. This creates value by providing customer with lower time, energy and psychological cost. E.g. citysuper offer greater vatiety of products than an average supermarket.
4, Enabling Value: Many services are valued for what it can realize or make possible. E.g. Employing a business consultant can strengthen a CEO’s capability.
5, Memory Value: The value is created when the customer is involved in an event or experience that remains in his or her memory for many years. E.g. Flight attendants offering a very caring service to customers on a plan.

Factors affect customer loyalty
1, Customer satisfaction is the post-purchase evaluation that results from a comparison between those pre-purchase expectations and actual performance.
2, Emotional bonding is the positive brand affect, which is an aaffinity with the brand, or they have a company attachment, which means they like the company.
3, Trust is the willingness of the customer to rely on the brand or an organization. It indicates the customer have strong belief that the marketer is reliable and has integrity.
4, Choice reduction & habit: Customers have a natural tendency to reduce choices to a manageable set, usually not more that three. Customer loyalty could be created from habits that are cultivated from the accumulated experiences with a brand or an organization.
5, Company history: Customer’s initial or regular experience with a product may be quite positive. One’s history with the company influences one’s habits.
6, Perception or positive image of a brand or an organization can have a favourable impact on customer loyalty.

4 Categories of customer loyalty
1, No loyalty – customers have a week attitude and low repeat patronage behaviour
2, Inertia loyalty – customers are strong on repeat behaviour but weak on attitude
3, Latent loyalty – customers have strong attitudes but repeat purchase is low
4Loyalty – customers are high in repeat purchase behaviour and strong in atitude

Web marketing adventage
1, They save on production, printing, and mailing costs 2, They can offer an almost unlimited amount of merchandise 3, They allow real-time merchandising
4, Online catalogs can be spiced up with interactive entertainment and promotional features

4 type of CRM Programmes
1, Win back or Save 2, Prospecting
3, Loyalty
i, Value- based segmentation – the organization determines how much its is willing to invest in retaining a customer’s loyalty. Some organizations invest nothing marginally profitable customers and actively encourage unprofitable customers to leave
ii, Need-based segentation – organization foces on the needs of individual customers using customized loyalty programs. Prpular affinity programmes include airline miles and hotel points.
Iii, Predictive churn model – with the support of data-mining tools, organizations identify vulnerable customers and tailer them for loyalty campaign or offer alternative products.
4, Cross- sell / Up-sell
i, Cross-sell programmes – The firm identifies complementary offerings that a customer would like and directly presents that offer to the customer.
ii, Up sell profgrammes – The firm offers an enhanced product to its customer.

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