請問有邊位好心人士幫下我ar?is about the story book

2007-11-13 6:13 am
個書名係The Pelican Brief 有邊位係睇過本書可不可以把每段的主要內容講一次比我聽ar THX very much

回答 (1)

2007-11-13 6:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
The story begins with the assassination of two philosophically divergent Supreme Court Justices. While the public speculates about who may have killed them and why, the main character, Darby Shaw, a Tulane University Law School student, decides to research the two justices' records and cases pending before the Court, suspecting the real motive might be simple greed, not politics. She writes a legal brief speculating that the assassinations were committed on behalf of Victor Mattiece, an oil tycoon wanting to drill for oil on Louisiana swamp land which is a major habitat of an endangered breed of pelicans. A court case on appeal, filed on his behalf to gain access to the land, is expected to make its way to the Supreme Court.

The two slain justices had a history of environmentalism — their only common view — and thus Darby surmises that Mattiece, who has a pre-existing business relationship with the President, hoped to turn the case in his favor by eliminating two justices, thus leaving his friend the President in a position to appoint new justices more likely to rule in his favor.

Darby shows the brief, which becomes known as the 'Pelican Brief' to her law professor/mentor/lover, Thomas Callahan, who shows it to his Washington-based friend, Gavin Verheek, a lawyer working for the FBI. Both men are killed soon after.

Afraid that she'll be the next target, Darby goes on the run. Eventually, she contacts Washington Herald (the Herald doesn't actually exist, but since the production were unable to get permission to use the Washington Post name, they substituted it for the Herald) reporter Gray Grantham, and the two set out to prove her brief correct.

The various parties quickly take sides. The President and his Chief of Staff try to cover up his connection to Mattiece, which would be politically damaging. The FBI wants to bring in Darby to protect her and to verify her story. Allies of Mattiece try to kill her to make sure the cover-up holds.

The End
Eventually, every piece of the story is in place. Grantham obtains sworn testimony from an anonymous lawyer, "Garcia"; a document that points to involvement by his law firm which worked for Mattiece. With all this evidence, Grantham & Darby approach the Herald chief editor. The story appears in the next edition with front page photographs of Fletcher Coal (the aforementioned Chief of Staff), Mattiece, etc. FBI chief Denton Voyles is ecstatic and shows up at Coal's residence early in the morning to confront him.

Darby enters witness protection program and leaves the country. After crisscrossing the country, she reaches an island in the Caribbean Sea, where Grantham briefly joins her. This alternate ending takes place in the novel, but was left out of the film.

Two Supreme Court Justices have been killed. Now a college professor, who clerked for one of the two men, who's also having an affair with one of his students, is given a brief by her, that states who probably, wanted to see these two men dead. He then gives it to one of his friends, who works for the FBI. When the FBI director reads it, he is fascinated by it. One of the preseident's men who read it, is afraid that if it ever got out, the president could be smeared.So, he adivises the president to tell the director to drop it, which he does. But later the professor and the girl were out and he was drunk and when he refused to give her the keys she stepped out of the car. When he started it, it blew up. She then discovers that her place has been burglarized and what was taken were her computer and her disks. Obviously, her brief has someone agitated. She then turns to her boyfriend's friend at the FBI, he agrees to come meet her but before he does someone shoots him and takes his place. At the meeting, he was about to kill her when someone shoots him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 19:10:48
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