
2007-11-13 4:53 am
On the fourth day, we will go to Disneyland. Mainland China has not Disneyland; moreover, Mainland China people was very difficult to take the visa go to Japan Disneyland, or American Disneyland. Therefore, they will choose come to Hong Kong this one.

回答 (4)

2007-11-13 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
On the fourth day, we will go to Disneyland. There are no Disneyland in Mainland Chian; moreover, Mainland chian people ware very difficult to take the visa to go to Japan Disneland or American Disneyland. Therefore, they will choose to come to Hong King this one.
2007-11-13 7:05 pm
On the fourth day, we will go to Disneyland. Mainland China has not Disneyland; moreover, Mainland China people was very difficult to take the visa go to Japan Disneyland, or American Disneyland. Therefore, they will choose come to Hong Kong this one.
On the 4th day of the tour, we will visit Disneyland. China has no Disneyland and people in Mainland China find difficult to apply a visas to Japan or United States. Therefore, they prefer to visit Disneyland of Hong Kong instead.
注: 你的文法實在沒錯, 但在用詞方面就麻麻. 我把詞句改動了些少, 應更暢順, 希望你接受及喜歡, 請莫怪!
參考: SELF
2007-11-13 5:09 am
On the fourth day, we will go to the Disneyland since there is no such a theme park. Moreover, the Chinese cannot afford to go to the Disneyland in Tokyo or even America. As a result, they prefer to go to the Hong Kong Disneyland.
2007-11-13 5:00 am
On the fourth day, we will go to Disneyland. There are no Disneyland in Mainland Chian; moreover, Mainland chian people ware very difficult to take the visa to go to Japan Disneland or American Disneyland. Therefore, they will choose to come to Hong King this one.

hope that I can help you.

2007-11-12 21:02:32 補充:
打錯字...On the fourth day, we will go to Disneyland. There are no any Disneyland in Mainland China; moreover, Mainland China people were very difficult to take the visa to go to Japan Disneyland or American Disneyland. Therefore, they will choose to come to Hong Kong this one.
參考: me

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