ADDM Circles

2007-11-13 4:43 am
Q1:Find the equation of the common tangent to the circles x^2+y^2-6x-16=0 and x^2+y^2+6x-40=0
Q2:The circles C1:x^2+y^2-4x+2y+1=0 , C2:x^2+y^2-10x-4y+19=0
having a common chord AB.
P(x,y) is a variable pt such that
distance form P to centre of C1/distance from P to centre of C2=1/k (k>0)
Find the value of k if P lies on a st.line.

回答 (1)

2007-11-13 5:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1)Join the centers of the two circles with a straight line and extend it such that it intersects with the tangents at ( a , 0 ).
The centers of x2+y2-6x-16=0: ( 3 , 0 )
The radius: 5
The centers of x2+y2+6x-40=0: ( - 3 , 0 )
The radius: 7
Then you can find a pair of similar triangles by drawing the radius of the circles ┴ to the tangents.
5 / 7 = ( a – 3 ) / ( a + 3 )
a = 18
Suppose the tangent is y = mx + c,
0 = 18m + c
c = -18m
Then y = mx – 18m
Consider any of the circles:
7 = l [ ( m )( - 3 ) + ( - 1 )( 0 ) – 18m ] / √( m2 + 1 ) l
49 ( m2 + 1 ) = ( - 21m )2
392m2 = 49
m = ±√2/4
So the tangents are y = √2x/4 - 9√2/2 and y = -√2x/4 + 9√2/2
Q2) Is P a variable pt. on AB? If so,
AB: ( C2 – C1 )
Centres of C1: ( 2 , - 1 ) , centers of C2: ( 5 , 2 )
Distance from P to ( 2 , - 1 ):
l [(1)(2)+(-1)(-1)+3]/√(12+(-1)2)l
Distance from P to ( 5, 2 ),
參考: My Maths Knowledge

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