
2007-11-13 3:55 am
My favourite food is apple. It is a kind of fruit which has a lot of vitamins. Eat more apple can make me healthy. Apple is red. It is sweet. It is a delicious fruit. I usually eat it after dinner. Apples are useful. We can use apples to make some food or drink. They are delicious and healthy too. [一分鐘口頭報告,如不太好,應如何作?(注:加中文解釋,english字要簡單,易讀!!!!)

回答 (2)

2007-11-13 4:13 am
My favourite kind of food is apple. Apple is bright red in color. It tastes very sweet and it has a lot of vitamins in it. Apple is delicious but at the same time it is good for our health. Eating apples will make also make our bodies healthier, I usually eat it after I finished my dinner. Apples are also very useful. We can use it to make desserts, fruit juice and other different kinds of food. I will strongly recommend all of you to develop a habit of eating an apple everyday. As the saying says: An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

你其實已經作得好好. 如果未到一分鐘gum 你present 個時讀慢D 就得la! =)
你可以describe 個apple 多d 還可以如小小個人感受.
( 如果你唔明D字點解你可以去Yahoo! Hk Dictionary)

2007-11-13 17:15:37 補充:
對唔住~~~ 我寫錯字... 你可以describe 個apple 多d 還可以<<<如>>>小小個人感受---------------我個意思係:-----------------------------------------------------你可以describe 個apple 多d 還可以<<<加>>>小小個人感受對唔住呀 >.< .
參考: Myself =]
2007-11-13 4:08 am
Eat more apple can make me healthy應改為(下邊用破折號表示)
If you eat more apple,you can be healthier.

Apple is red. It is sweet. It is a delicious fruit. -------
Apple is a delcious fruit which is red and sweet.

Apples are useful. We can use apples to make some food or drink--------
Apples can be used to make some food or juice,so they are useful.

They are delicious and healthy too. (其實lee句有d重複ge feel,因為你上邊已經話左{Eat more apple can make me healthy.}同埋{Apples are useful.}lee句可以唔要......)

These are my own advice.If you do not argee with them,it's OK.

2007-11-14 17:13:10 補充:
At the end 你可以話--------Thanks for you attention.(咁樣我覺得好有禮貌....)
參考: myself

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