doctor who

2007-11-13 3:52 am
我想問下bilie piper 係doctor who season 4 or 之後的season 會唔會再出現?

回答 (3)

2007-11-21 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Bilie piper played Rose in Doctor
In the last chapter of season 2, she and her family went to the balance world
normally TARBIS (the time machine) cannot be able to travel there
so Rose should not travel with the Doctor anymore

however i am not really sure it...
because last time TARBIS was got a big problem, they(ROSE and DOCTOR and Rose&#39;s boyfriend<i>) was gone to the balance world by an accident. I cannot sure TARBIS won&#39;t have accident again, if it will be balance world again, i think the Doctor will find she again!!!</i>
參考: just thinking by myself
2007-11-24 8:49 am
參考: 我都睇到第三季啦!等緊出年春天GE 第四季
2007-11-14 5:45 am
billie piper飾演的Rose Tyler在第2季Doomsday一集離開,第2季第11集Freema Agyeman飾演的新拍檔Martha Jones出場。之後billie piper只係flashback度出現過。
參考: 我睇到第3季

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