
2007-11-13 3:29 am
1.the difference between 2 numbers is 24.if twice the smaller number is subtracted from 3/4 of the greater number,the difference is 3.find the greater number.

回答 (2)

2007-11-13 3:37 am
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Let x be the greater number,y be the smaller number

x﹣y = 24 ------(1)
(3/4)x﹣2y = 3 -------(2)

From (1),
x = 24+y ------(3)
From (2),
3x﹣8y = 12 ---------------(4)

Subsitute (3) into (4)
3(24+y)﹣8y = 12
72+3y﹣8y = 12
5y = 60
y = 12 --------(5)

Subsitute (5) into (3)
x = 24+12 = 36

Therefore, the greater number is 36
2007-11-13 3:45 am
Let the smaller number be x and greater number be 24 + x
(3 / 4)(24+x) - 2(x) = 3
x = 12
greater number is 24 + x
so greater number = 24 + 12 = 36

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