
2007-11-12 10:53 pm
今年已經22歲, 會考只有一分(英文), 三年Admin工作經驗
現想在晚上進修, 讀degree, 因為很多工作也需要學歷
我想讀關於一些關於admin的, 但也想讀marketing, 應該什麼辦?
還有, 我想知道我可以直接拿取學位嗎? 還是要先讀diploma?
有沒有各進修院校的地址? 我想得到一些章程, 謝謝!

回答 (2)

2007-11-14 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try HKU SPACE, use 23 year old + 3 years working experience (next year)
Cert > Diploma > Degree

MK 43-806-00 (72)
Professional Diploma in Marketing (HKIM/HKU SPACE)

Hong Kong Institute of Marketing

Enquiry 查詢: 2867 8326
Fax 傳真: 2861 0278
Email 電郵: [email protected]

Course Start Date 開課日期: 07 Jan 2008


We offer this programme in collaboration with the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM). There are 3 possible awards, issued jointly by HKIM and HKU SPACE:

Professional Certificate in Marketing, awarded to students who complete Level 1 of the Professional Diploma in Marketing.
Professional Diploma in Marketing.
Graduate Diploma in Marketing (Services).
There will be intakes in September, January and May each year.

Level 1 Content

Foundamentals of Marketing
Business Law
Information Technology in Marketing
Quantitative Analysis for Marketing
Accounting & Finance

Level 2 Content

Marketing Management

Services Marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Selling and Sales Management

Holders of this Professional Diploma meet the educational requirements for Associate Membership of HKIM.

The programme may qualify for exemptions from the Asia Pacific Marketing Federation Certified Professional Marketers (Asia Pacific) programme.
Assessment is based on coursework (25%) and examinations (75%).
Holders of the Professional Diploma in Marketing qualify for full first year exemptions from the Curtin University BCom Marketing programmes.

Entry Requirements

To qualify for admission to Level 1 of the programme, applicants should:

have 2 passes of "A" level or equivalent; or
have 5 passes at HKCEE, including English (Syllabus B) or equivalent, and 2 yeras' full time relevant experience; or
be aged 23 or above with no less than 3 years' full time relevant experience.
To qualify for direct admission to Level 2 of the programme, applicants should have:

a recognised degree; or
a Professional Certificate in Marketing issued by HKU SPACE and HKIM or equivalent.


$2,600 per module (Level 1)
$3,400 per module (Level 2)

Information and Application

Detailed information and application forms are available:

in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre
from the HKU SPACE website, http://hkuspace.hku.hk/form/mk43-805_806_808.pdf

Closing Date for Application

1 December 2007 for January 2008 intake

2007-11-12 11:44 pm
我建議你不仿睇一吓HKMA的課程, website : http://www.hkma.com/front.asp
有些是較短的, 嘗試自己對Marketing或是和你工作有關的subject, 是否有興趣? 其實讀甚麼都要有恒心勿半途而廢. 還有你可能要打好英文基礎先, 再開始都未遲吧! 好多時讀書都會有好的理解能力. English course : Please try to visit http://hkuspace.hku.hk/web_course/course_list.php?parent_seq=124&subject_index=&content=eng


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