
2007-11-12 9:29 pm
我同男友每次做愛, 佢一定問我有冇高潮, 我話冇,
佢會好唔開心. 但對於我來講, 冇乜所謂

回答 (5)

2007-11-13 11:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-11-14 5:21 am
2007-11-13 3:09 am
你無, 佢會覺得自己差
2007-11-12 9:43 pm
問你有無高潮,即是你fee好興奮,好冧,好舒暢,下面好濕潤,服持得你好,這是男人的責任.如果你無高潮, 即是無能.無用.
2007-11-12 9:41 pm
I cannot represent all men, but, as a man, I know how he feels, and may know of other possible reasons, as follows,

(a) Not every men and/or women know that there must not be orgasm for every woman on each and each time of making love, or, physical sex, which is reasonable and acceptable, though may not be normal on all cases ;

(b) He may think that he is not doing so good, bringing you no orgasm ;

(c) He cares about your feeling, and may think you mind on having no orgasm ;

(d) He is not happy with his 'performance' and may think he is inferior in sex, in whatever sense ;

(e) other reasons of his own.

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