借問life me up to touch the sky點解?

2007-11-12 7:48 am
借問life me up to touch the sky點解?

回答 (3)

2007-11-12 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
life me up to touch the sky點解?
字面解釋: 高舉我讓我觸摸到天空.
內在意思: 請扶我一巴(幫幫我), 幫我達成願望.

2007-11-18 22:50:24 補充:
Not life me up. Should be: lift me up..........
參考: SELF
2007-11-12 9:05 am
係lift me up to touch the sky.
呢句係Proud Of You嘅歌詞

樓上解釋正確, 將我舉高去接觸天空
2007-11-12 8:04 am
do u mean LIFT me up to touch the sky?

Lift me up to touch the sky
參考: me

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