
2007-11-12 7:20 am
nearly 17,000 miks were freed last month from a fur farm in Germany, apparently by animal rights activists. At the same time, a law passed in Germany in 2006 could no longer make it profitable to farm the animals for their pelts.
"They won't be able to survive because they don't know how to hunt and will eng up being crushed by cars," he said.想知下篇野講乜野,簡簡單單就可以了,唔洗好詳細

回答 (2)

2007-11-12 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
將近 17,000 miks 上個月從德國的一個毛皮農場被釋放,(事件)顯然由動物權利活躍份子促成。 同時,在 2006 年德國的法律通過,毛皮耕種動物不再變得有利潤。

2007-11-12 8:52 pm
差不多,17,000 miks使上個月與一毛皮農場在德國內分離,顯然以動物權利積極分子。 同時,在2006年在德國透過的一條法律不再能使為他們的毛皮耕種動物賺錢。
"他們將不能倖存,因為他們不知道怎樣尋找,eng 將向上被坐汽車壓壞",他說。

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