How to draw the Geography's sketch map ? (form .3 ) 急

2007-11-12 7:04 am
How to draw the Geography's sketch map

回答 (1)

2007-11-17 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
畫sketch map的步驟:
1. 先細看原圖,認清特別地標及地形
2. 勾畫物理性地勢如地形、海岸線(physical landform e.g. relief and coastline)∕人類經濟活動如街道及土地利用(human, economic activities e.g. settlement and land use)


圖一‧要你畫sketck map的俯瞰圖 (Aerial photogragh of Kowloon and Victoria Harbour)
source: Lau, L., Woo, E., & Massingham, B. (1993). New Geography: Practical Skills Handbook. HK: Manhattam. (只作解釋用途,請勿轉貼)

圖二‧ sketch map of Kowloon and Victoria Harbour
source: Lau, L., Woo, E., & Massingham, B. (1993). New Geography: Practical Skills Handbook. HK: Manhattam. (只作解釋用途,請勿轉貼)
3. 加上詮釋
- 地形圖要指明所知的重要地標
- 土地利用圖可運用橫線、黑點、塗黑或斜線等指明各用途,並於全圖左∕右下角標明(如黑點地帶代表沙灘,塗黑地帶代表林地等);或直接在sketch map加上詮釋,如下圖


圖三‧ land use
source: Lai, H. T. Von Thunen & Sinclair Models tutorial notes. (只作解釋用途,請勿轉貼)
4. 加上比例尺(圖三右下角), 如1:200(即1厘米等於200米)

- Lau, L., Woo, E., & Massingham, B. (1993). New Geography: Practical Skills Handbook. HK: Manhattam. ISBN: 962-342-300-4
- Lai, H. T. 的補習notes 及textbookd

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