
2007-11-12 6:40 am
請問你地有無劉德華演唱會嘅飛呀,我屋企人好想睇,但係買唔呀,pls help....

回答 (2)

2007-11-13 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i still hv the tickets as below , see if you hv interest

date : 1/1/08(2tickets)
section : 45
row : 20
seat : 90/91
cost : 600
sale cost : $1000

date : 4/1/08(2tickets)
section : 45
row : 11
seat : 90/91
cost : 960
sale cost : $1900 (SOMEONE HOLD)

date : 4/1/08(2tickets)
section : 60
row : 21
seat : 91/92
cost : 400
sale cost : $1000

plz sd email to [email protected]
2007-11-14 7:18 pm
i still hv the tickets as below , see if you hv interest

date : 1/1/08(2tickets)
section : 45
row : 20
seat : 90/91
cost : 600
sale cost : $1000

date : 4/1/08(2tickets)
section : 60
row : 21
seat : 91/92
cost : 400
sale cost : $1100

plz email to [email protected] if you hv interest

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