to determine the enthanply change for a reaction(20分,急~)

2007-11-12 5:14 am
to determine the enthanply change for this reaction
點解呢個reaction 既enthanply change 唔可以直接measure?要咁樣去計?
mgso4+100 h2o=mgso4(aq,100h2o)
mgso4.7h2o+93 h2o=mgso4(aq,100h2o)
(將呢兩個 reaction 既 enthanply change 相減)


回答 (1)

2007-11-12 10:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
li個reaction ...點解measure唔到 因為 冇方法係可以直接measure
因為 當mgso4 放係空氣入面佢就會 慢慢變mgso4.7h2o
由於佢既速度太慢 當佢既enthalpy 改變完 因reaction 而改變energy可能已經即gain返/lose 返d from surroinding
reaction 而改變energy

所以 係"experimentally" 係measure唔到

做li個實驗 當然要留意既係佢既energy loss/gain due to surrouding
所以 有小心去做保溫

1. 用polystyrene cup 仲要用cover 因為咁樣會減小 effect from surrounding

2. 記得measure個溫度要stir左 咁樣先令solution既temp 平均 measure會準d

3. 記得stir "唔好太快" 因為太快會產生熱 咁就唔準嫁啦
參考: 我(對唔住 習慣左用英文 所以中英夾雜 唔好見怪)

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