
2007-11-12 3:24 am
Billy is making a wall display about Christmas customs around the world.

1.In______ , children leave their shoes by their doors on 6th January.The shoes are filled with gifts from the
2.In______ ,children celebrate Christmas on the beach in summer.
3.This is a traditional Christmas dinner in _____ .
4.Every year,the people of ______ give a Christmas tree to England.

回答 (1)

2007-11-14 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Spain

2. Australia

3. sorry, i dont know

4. Norway

2007-11-13 22:03:16 補充:
sorry! the website above for spain is wrong. the correct website is as below:1. Spainhttp://www.stedmundsbury.anglican.org/ashfield/From_the_mag/Epiphany_Jan_06.htm

2007-11-14 03:54:43 補充:
i need more information on question 3.
參考: me in uk

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