英國/澳洲升學疑問-急 20點

2007-11-12 3:15 am
我現在英國讀A level, 成績不太好, Maths C, Physics D, Further Maths 未考, IELTS 5.5, 很擔心入不到較好的大學,想問以下問題:
1. 以我的成績, 打算讀pyschology, 有那些英國大學可選擇?
2. 讀一年foundation之後再入大學會不會比較好?
3. 到英國大學抑或college讀foundation?
4. 因為沒有信心A level 考得好, 加上英國的學費很貴, 如果放棄A level, 立即轉去澳洲讀2月開課的1年foundation再讀大學, 好不好?
5. 是否澳洲的學費/生活費比較平? 入學較易?
6. 如果將來想在英國讀Master, 英國是否承認澳洲3年大學degree?

回答 (2)

2007-11-12 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't too worry! Try the best to your A level first. According to your result, it is a bit difficult to go to top university but you still have the chance to go to interested subject. You need to plan your ucas application:Choose the interested uni in first position and then choose the min requirement of pyschologyuni in last uni. This is my son strategy, last year. He apply law and forensic and he get it. If, unlucky, the result is worse than you expect, you can try the foundation course and than apply uni next year. It is true, the english pound is very expensive but you already invest your money in your study, time and uk. You can give up your study in uk and change to Aus. but you need to settle down again. And you used to the english study style and need to fit yourself in Aus style. It may be ok but still have a risk. It is true. Aus is chaper than uk. I don't think so they are more easy because the uni have their min requirement. But your future boss will think it is better if you graduate from uk than Aus.Uk uni would accept degree from official uni.You are in uk, try to find out a package from swansea uni. about £9100, it included a year tutor fee, accommodation and meals(3 per a day), it is special for oversea student(from hk).

I hope it can help you.

I hope it can help you.
2007-11-14 9:04 pm
以你成績, 要入TOP的英國大學真係會有D難度, 如果我係你, 我會一月轉去foundation.
如果讀pyschology, St Andrews, Bath, Nottingham 呢D都算几好了. 但係難入囉.
我覺得到讀College比較好, 因為你可以按成績選大學, 如果讀死一間U既foundation, 如果成績吾好, 入吾到就痳煩了.
其實澳洲foundation都係不錯既選擇, 因為佢地個設計好好, 成功上到TOP U既机會好大. 英國一般最Top既U都吾會收foundation既學生, 但澳洲就吾係. 最Top 既U都鍾意收foundation既學生, 而且價錢平好多, 如果你在英國都已經成功升上去Lower Sixth, 咁入到澳洲foundation的机會就好大了. 吾駛worry.
澳洲的學位, 英國大學係成認的, 到時你可以去英國讀master.

希望以上意見有用啦, 如有問題可email我 [email protected] 再講啦.
參考: Myself

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