Studying overseas VS Studying in HK

2007-11-11 11:58 pm

回答 (1)

2007-11-12 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Studying Overseas:
- Can make friends with people from other countires
- Get to know other culture and language
- Learn to live independently
- Build self-confidence
- A good chance to learn English better
Studying in HK:
- Easy to catch up with local teaching standard
- Easy to understand with mother language
- Good relationship and support by friends and family
- Entitle the grand/loan from Government when appropriate
Studying Overseas:
- Expensive course fee
- Different culture, may needs time to get into the society
- Poor English level
- Will have homesick problem
- Lonely & boring without friends
Studying in HK:
- Poor English learning environment
- Competitive to enter local universities
- No chance to meet with foreigners

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