Help! msn電腦中毒! 20 (MARK)

2007-11-11 11:36 pm
I opened a zip file from my friend msn few days ago. Then many little IE came out. I put the bottom of my computer and close it directly. Later on no effects on my computer. But yerestday i open the msn and my friend told me i sed zip film to her.

1) will i lose all my computer data!!!!!
2) how can I save it!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-11-12 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你朋友的電腦應該己經中毒, 所以你下載了一個有毒檔案在你的電腦裡面了!
我想你應該先用掃毒軟件, 找出有毒檔案, 然後刪除去; 但這只是暫時性的, 因為有毒檔案可能會在其他地方潛伏著, 最好是先做 backup, 然後重裝 (不要只做復完, 因為復完是不會把病毒完全清除的)

2007-11-11 16:33:30 補充:
你是不會這么快就會壞機的, 但最好是先掃毒, 然後刪除有毒檔案, 來拖長時間, 好讓你有時間做 backup!只要儲起你有用的檔案到其他地方, 例如 : CD 或者 記憶咭, 那你才做重裝!
2007-11-11 11:43 pm
find in hard dise
參考: my friend

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