Differences % Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

2007-11-11 10:37 pm
I want to ask what are the Differences between Business Ethics and Social Responsibility?

For the following, which belongs to which?
1. Low wage
2. Poor working environment
3. Verbal, sexual and physical abuse
4. Use of Child labor
5. Excessive overtime working
6. Violation of Labor regulations

e.g. paying low wage is lack of social responsibility or no business ethic?


For social responsibilities, I mean corporate social responsibilities

回答 (2)

2007-11-12 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
商業倫理 Business Ethics 是營商中要注意的道德問題,有部份會同時落人社會責任範疇。

但社會責任 Social Responsibility 並不完全和商業關連。營商中除了要賺錢外,維護社會的公平公義是營商中的社會責任。

你題目中的 6 項,都可以列入商業倫理範疇,而 1, 4, 6 亦可在社會責任範疇中討論。

介紹你看一本書 商務出版的《金錢以外》。
2007-11-11 11:09 pm
Business ethics are related to the way you do business while social responsibility are more on much broader scope - applies to everyone in the society.

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