English - Sentence Structure

2007-11-11 10:34 pm
Which one is correct?

a)The effects of the Winter Promotion Event on the 2007 Sales Performance.

b)The effects of the Winter Promotion Event on 2007 Sales Performance.

c)The effects of the Winter Promotion Event on Sales Performance in 2007.

d)The effects of the Winter Promotion Event on Sales Performance 2007.

Let me know, I am confused now.

This is a subject of a memo, therefore has no verb.

回答 (5)

2007-11-11 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think C is correct

c)The effects of the Winter Promotion Event on Sales Performance in 2007.
2007-11-12 5:10 am
a)The effects of the Winter Promotion Event on the 2007 Sales Performance.
2007-11-11 11:28 pm
C is correct.
參考: me
2007-11-11 11:03 pm
None of them are right.
First, none of them are complete sentences; second, they all have the same gramatical mistake, which is fragment.
2007-11-11 11:00 pm
um....我睇唔明想表達d 咩....呢度ge "effects " 係用作verb 定noun? 如果用作verb ge 話, 咁成句野...我又唔明. 如果係noun ge 話, 成句野又無verb, 更加唔通....同埋就咁睇ge 話, 係句子入面, "effects " 係用作noun.... 可唔可話我知你想表達d 咩? 嗯....我都好似有dd confused

2007-11-11 22:24:32 補充:
if that is a subject, then i guess B/C is correct. but i prefer B.

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