
2007-11-11 8:08 pm




回答 (4)

2007-11-11 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Listing(舉point )
Firstly, In the first place, Secondly, Finally, Lastly

In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, As a result, Also

However, but, although

For example, Basically

As, So , Because, that's the reason why

in other word, that means

In my opinion, On the other hand
I think that
I agree with....
I partly agree with....
I disagree with...

Conclusion (總結)
To sum up
On balanced
To conclude

2007-11-11 13:00:49 補充:
Conjunction#And (和)He is rich but I am poor.#But (但是)He is poor but he is honest.

2007-11-11 13:02:21 補充:
#Before (左....之前)Think it over before you answer.#After(左.....之後)He went home after he had done shopping. / After he gone shopping, he went home.#Since (自從)I haven't seen him since last Friday. / Since you refuse to help me, I have been doing it by myself.

2007-11-11 13:02:36 補充:
#For (因為)You must do it for it is your own job.#Because (因為)He stays at home for two weeks bacause he has broken his leg.#Till = Until (直至)I will stay till you come back. = I will stay untill you come back.

2007-11-11 13:02:54 補充:
#Lest (否則)Run fast lest you will miss the train.#Though = Although (雖然)Though the weather was hot, he did not feel sticky. = Although the weather was hot, he did not feel sticky.#Unless (除非)You will not be promoted unless you work hard.#Than (比)Health is better than wealth is.

2007-11-11 13:03:09 補充:
#Otherwise ( 否則)Get up early, otherwise you will be late for school.#That (引導名詞子句)Tell them that I will come.#Or ( 或者/ 否則)Take it, or leave it.# If (若果)If he studies hard, he will pass the examination.

2007-11-11 13:03:28 補充:
#When (當)When you were young, you were very naughty.#Whenever (無論何時)I am glad to help you whenever you like.#While (當)While I am opening the door, a bird flies into my house. / I am opening the door while a bird flies into my house.#Where (在何處)Where there is a will there is a way.

2007-11-11 13:04:14 補充:
#Wherever (無論何處)Wherever he goes, he makes friends. / He makes friends Wherever he goes.#Either......or.....(不是......就是...)You may either have tea or coffee. / Either she is ill or she is mad.#Neither.....nor.....(既不...也不...)She neither sings or laughs.

2007-11-11 13:04:51 補充:
#Both ....and....(二者,....和...)Both May and Peter are lazy.#Though.....yet.......(雖然.....但是....)Though he was poor, yet he he never tried to steal.#Whether......or.....(是否...或者....)I don't care whether you like it or not.

2007-11-11 13:05:16 補充:
#Not only.....but also.....(不僅...而且....)He is not only intelligent but also hard working.#As soon as(一...就)As soon as he came home, he went to sleep. / He came home as soon as he went to sleep.#As well as (有如...那般妤)He plays tennis as well as his teacher.#As long as (在....期間)

2007-11-11 13:05:34 補充:
I remember you as long as I live.#As if (有如)She looks as if she were the princess.#In order that (為了)He put it on the notice board in order that all should know.#So that (因此)Will you open the door so that I can go out?#Even if (即使)

2007-11-11 13:05:55 補充:
I will not lend you my book even if you promise to return.#So....that......(這樣...以致....)She is so lovely that everyone likes her.
2010-04-14 1:05 am
《Yahoo!知識+名人 - 牙牙》
2008-04-07 12:27 am
2007-11-11 8:51 pm


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