Black eyed peas 嘅 Fergie係咪曾經吸毒?

2007-11-11 9:41 am
Black eyed peas 嘅 Fergie係咪曾經吸毒?

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2007-11-14 1:44 am
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2007-11-11 12:55 pm
Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie has confessed she was addicted to drugs. The sexy singer claims she began taking Ecstasy in her 20s before her habit spun out of control and she started experimenting with harder narcotics. She confessed: "I stopped meeting the girls, broke up with a boyfriend and started going out and taking Ecstasy. I was hanging around in a different crowd. From there, I got into harder drugs and a really bad place emotionally.

"It was my way of getting away from everything. I was totally wrapped up in it and I was going crazy." The stunning star - who shot to fame aged just eight on children's TV show 'Kids Incorporated' - claims her addictions left her an emotional and physical wreck and facing financial ruin.

She explained in an interview with Britain's Cosmopolitan magazine: "My life was falling apart I owed a lot of money and was going out of my mind imagining things. I went into a downward spiral and hit rock bottom." Fergie finally contacted her parents who helped her kick her addiction for good.

She added: "If it wasn't for them I would be on the street or in a mental institution."

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