about english grammar

2007-11-11 7:19 am
i want to ask :
why sometimes we can do the phase like the following ,but sometimes it cannot?
eg . the dog of my father ................it is true or wrong ?
my father's dog .......................it is true or wrong ?
thanks for your help

回答 (3)

2007-11-11 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
possessive adj (人) - 's
my father's dog 係正確

possessive adj (死物) - of which
table's leg (死物不能用's)
要用 The leg of the table
2007-11-11 8:19 am
I am not very good in English. As I see that not many people response, so I express a little comment of mine and wish it can assist you in some ways.

Right. English is very complicated and I have the same feeling as you.

Many sentences are grammartically correct but they are said as they are not the appropriated one.

So, in my comment, both phrases can be used and have the same explanation in Chinese. To justify whether the useage is corrected or not, I think it will depend to the whole context.

我的英文能力不是太高. 因見未有人為你解答, 希望能點盡棉力.

我都同意英文係很複雜. 我以前都會和你有同一想法, 唔知自己的句子對定錯, 有很多句子的文法是對, 但用得並不恰當, 所以被人重寫句子時, 便發覺他們的句子確實係精闢很多, 便知自己的句子錯在會出現混淆的情況及累贅.

話說回來, 我覺得此兩短詞, 文法上都正確, 翻譯為中文同樣解釋. 至於用得對與否, 便要看前文後理, 整體效果來決定用法是否得宜去決定是否正確.

有時中文解釋是相同, 但不同的英文寫法有時會含有其他意思而令到係上文下理上出現錯誤. 假如: 同樣是爸爸的狗, 某一種寫法有時背後可代表爸爸有好多隻狗或其他寵物, 此是他其中一隻. 若然如此, 當寫上此句, 而上文下理說爸爸只得一隻狗時, 用此句便變成是錯. 我想你的混淆也許和我以上想法很相近吧?!

這一點便要對英文的用法有較入明瞭的人才明白錯誤的地方, 我還未到此境界, 所以未能幫到你.
2007-11-11 8:02 am
my father's dog 比較o岩, 因為意思係我爸爸隻狗
但係the dog of my father 在感覺上, 隻狗是爸爸身體的一部分

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