f2 mathz easy, plz help

2007-11-11 4:41 am
Decide whether the following sentences are appropriate,too precise or too rough.Please make the necessary changes if you find them inappropriate.
(1)Sandy uesd 1435.21seconds to complete an essay.
(2)Tim's weight is 53426.11g.
(3)There are 300 days in a year.
(4)The attendance of a soccer match is 34500.
(5)The selling price of an apartment is $2500000.

回答 (2)

2007-11-11 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Too precise, no-one use a small unit to measure a completion or something, hence the appropriate expression is about 25 minutes

2. Too precise, may be just the wrong unit has been taken because we use kg or lbs to measure weight, therefore the appropriate expression is 53.4 kg

3. Too rough, 1 year have 365 or 366 days is fact instead of estimation

4. Appropriate

5. Appropriate
參考: me
2007-11-11 4:47 am
1. too precise
2. too precise
3. too rough
4. appropriate
5. appropriate

參考: ME

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