自由行去澳洲黃金海岸,唔知 Moreton Island 有咩 local tour 可以去

2007-11-11 12:29 am
準備左十二月自由行去澳洲昆士蘭黃金海岸玩,機票同酒店已經訂好,其中一日諗住去 Moreton Island 浮潛同睇海豚,但係驚到時唔知 D local tour 會唔會 full 晒,所以諗住可以去之前 book 定先,唔知可以跟咩 local tour 去,同埋點樣 book 埋。

回答 (2)

2007-11-18 4:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are many different local tours as the above said. Usually after u book a local tour, they will ask you to group at Brisbane/Gold Coast bus transit terminal. Brisbane Transit terminal is in the city which is in Roma Street (Roma Street Railway Station), if it is in Gold Coast, the transit terminal is in Surfers Paradise which is near Courtyard Marriot. The other way is, u can go to Moreton island by yourself and join the tour in Moreton island.
Usually there is online booking in their website, u just need to provide your credit card details and your departure day.
What i suggest is u better go to Moreton island by yourself and join the tour in Moreton island, coz if u join the tour in Brisbane or Gold coast, u will need to wait a long time until all people arrive, and they need to check many things. Like last time the tour supposed to excel at 7:30, but the 4 WD didn't excel until 9:30. And the car/coach is not as comfortable as you expect.
I live in Gold Coast, so hope the information is useful for u
2007-11-19 7:33 am
there are heaps of tours to moreton island, so dont you worry about it will be fully book, however, i do recommend you stay on the island for 2 day one night, it will be much nicer!

i join this tour b4 --> http://www.goannaadventures.com.au/moreton_silver.php
you get to feed the dolphin, sand borading.....etc it was very fun and memorable

or if you can only go for a day, this tour is not bad either

Dolphin Wild Island Cruises --> www.dolphinwild.com.au
參考: my experience

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