How to change it to indirect speech?

2007-11-10 9:59 pm
Sarah says, " The sun is rising in the east."
Changing it to indirect speech. Which of the following is correct?
(1) Sarah said that the sun is rising in the east.
(2 ) Sarah said that the sun was rising in the east.
Please explain also.(It is OK in English or Chinese )

回答 (4)

2007-11-10 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Only 1 is the correct answer. As it is always true that the sun is rising in the east, sentence 2 in past tense "the sun was rising in the east" is therefore not correct.
2007-11-10 10:28 pm
If the sentence is to express Sarah see the scence at the moment, the answer (2) is OK.
2007-11-10 10:20 pm
(1) Sarah said that the sun is rising in the east.

因為the sun rises in the east 係規律.
2007-11-10 10:03 pm
1 , 2

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