
2007-11-10 9:53 am
我現在是一個中五工讀生.....但成績mama .. .好想入ploy...讀設計....除左成績叻之外有無其他方法可以入到ploy???

回答 (2)

2007-11-10 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Designer is a broad term for a person who designs any of a variety of things. That usually implies the task of creating or of being creative in a particular area of expertise. It is frequently used to reference someone who draws or in some ways uses visual cues to organize their work. Designers are usually unresponsible for making a model ugly and that takes consideration in each step in a product's development, including not only how a product will be used but also how it will be made.
無論讀哪科都好, 建議你都努力讀好啲中英文, 沒有取笑你的意思, 只是平心而論, 試問連designer, Poly, 都未識串點找課程呢? Poly是一間大學, 相信收生要求最起碼都要有合格的成績罷!? 畀心機, 有志者, 事竟成.
真心話, 如有得罪, 多多包涵!
2007-11-10 10:23 am

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