澳洲悉尼做part time,星期一至五,工作20小時,sat&sunday還可做嗎?

2007-11-10 8:32 am
Q 1>請問在悉尼找工作,難嗎?有什麼渠道?有什麼工作好做(英文只是一般)?
Q 2>請問留學生做PARTTIME如果一年賺多過AUD6000,要交多少稅,大約幾多個%到?
Q 3>請問有什麼住宿推介嗎?
Q 4>請問生活費(住宿,交通,膳食,少許玩樂)一個月大約幾錢到呢(星期一至五努力工作及
Q 5>請問悉尼做part time,星期一至五,工作20小時,sat&sunday還可做嗎?


回答 (3)

2007-11-12 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Usually it is easier to find a part time job in the big city, i.e. for job opportunities. Job types can be on-campus jobs (library, cafe, school office, etc) and off-campus jobs (retails, office, fast food shops, etc).

2. You have to know if you are an Australian Resident during the financial year (e.g. 1 July 2007 - 30 June 2008). Assume you are an international student. During a financial year, you have stayed more than 6 months in Australia, you are considered as an Australian Resident. You pay no tax while you earn AU$1.00 - AU$6,000.00. If you first arrive at Australia and find a part time job, you have not stayed over 6 months, then you are a non-resident and pay 29% tax while you earn AU$1.00 - AU$30,000.00. Please refer to www.ato.gov.au for details.

3. I just answered this question to yoyoyes925, you can find the answer there. In short, you can contact your school's accomodation office. They will give you a list of on/off-campus accomodation. Shared house with other people is the cheapest, you have a room and share the utility expenses (Electricity, Gas, Water, Phone and Internet) with others.

4. HK$8,000.00 is around AU$1,128.00/month, that means you spend AU$260.00/ week. If you just rent a room and cook your own food, it may be enough. However, you have to consider other expenses: tuition fees, other school fees, book and stationery, eat-out, clothes, transportation, medicine and other personal expenses. AU$260.00/week is not enough for above expenses, specially, the cost of living in Sydney is more expensive than other states.

5. You can work 20 hours only per week (including weekdays and weekend). Please refer to www.immi.gov.au for details.
參考: Myself, www.ato.gov.au and www.immi.gov.au.
2007-11-18 4:06 am
1) 如果英文一般, 其實可以搵餐唐人館做 waiter, 大約有 $ 5- $ 10 一個鐘, 英文可以邊做邊學, 其實唐 人個d 都唔會理你留學生得 20 個鐘, 你做幾多都係 cash in hand... 其實可以 walk in 入去問請唔請人..... 唐人街做會少 d 錢.... 去 d 埠仔做都可能有 $7 .... 如果要打外國人工, 不單要英文好...仲會一定要 20 個鐘, 可能唔會 cash in hand 仲要報埋稅.. 對於留學生為生活而打工, 一d 都唔 " so "

2) 少過 $6000 全部稅都會拿番.... 不過如果你做唐人既... 比現金佢地就唔會幫你報稅架 la..

3) 你係黎讀書... 如果住 homestay 就真係一定貴.... 不過你可以住到咁上下....你覺得個家人都好既..你可以直接同佢地講... 比平 d 我會住耐 d ...有 d 都會 ok... 如果有 homestay 收 $ 150- $ 170 一個星期包 2 餐..都算平... 另一方法就係識到朋友之後..大家 share 間屋住...會平好多...加上你係男仔..有間細房都冇咩所謂...可能只係 $ 100 一星期...食你食得幾多...做餐館又包食.... 最多 電費 share ...大約 2 個人電費 $200- 300 3 個月到....

4) 澳洲大部份既野都係一星期計...一星期出一次糧, 一星期交一次租.... 所為多勞多得,,, 大約你一星期可以賺 $ 200 到如果你做餐館...可能會多過... $ 100 交租.. $ 50 可以包車費同少少開支... 另 50 可以儲.... 食野..一碟野大約 $ 8- $ 15到..一個人食... 唱K $ 10 2 個鐘,,,, 沐浴露個 D $ 6- $ 9 都有..

5) 都可以做... 如果你打唐人工.... 不過真係好辛苦...放完學仲要番工.... 同埋你番得幾多.. 放O左學可能已經 3, 4 點.... 5 點番去食飯..冇人工既..直到 6 :00 開工... 做到 10 點關門... 得 4 個鐘.... 最好做就係星期六日,,,, 全日做..可能 2 日已經有過百...
參考: ME
2007-11-10 8:47 am
Q4 reply :
生活費(住宿,交通,膳食,not including少許玩樂)一個月大約HK$10,000

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