How do you get over being lazy?

2007-11-09 8:47 pm
I have goals, reachable goals weekly goals... ect...
I still just don't care!
i'm a happy person i love my life right now my job my partner.. okay i don't like to do the dishes or laundry ... and I have motivation sometimes but even then i just sit down!
and not do much! i do make myself do some stuff of course but i think i enjoy being lazy more so then anything else..
how can i change this..
weird when i want to be lazy sometimes i mean that's why i work so i can retire early to do nothing! or wahtever i want to do!
thanks in advance

Wow i wasn't expecting the results i'm getting I LOVE IT! never really thought of it as any way that anyone listed on here! oh best answer is going to be hard!


yes i go out side i'm a hiker and a backpacker lol my house is still a mess!

回答 (2)

2007-11-09 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are happy, why do you want to change? It is your life, live it as you see fit. If you aren't hurting anyone else or yourself, that's fine! You need to accept yourself before you will ever have any motivation to do anything else. Then, you will be able to see value in whatever you do because it is who you are. Relax, enjoy life, and don't stress if you don't act like you "think" you should.
2007-11-09 9:43 pm
I think it's fine to just want to chill and relax whenever you can.But if you turn into sitting on the sofa and cramming bonbons and ice cream and turnning into Jaba the Hut lazy.Then one word for you:PROBLEM!!..(LOL) you then make the call.Just don't lose sight of that fine line.
2007-11-09 9:14 pm
I like Tim's answer! I am lazy too and have been since my teens (I'm now 32). There are too many people in this world rushing around and when it's all said and done, what have they accomplished? High blood pressure perhaps? Stay the way you are...relax!
2007-11-09 8:55 pm
The key is wanting to overcome the laziness bad enough to go ahead and do what you need to do. Also if things pile up too high it just gets overwhelming, just sitting back down is the paralysis of being overwhelmed.
2007-11-10 2:04 am
Sometimes there are things in our life that only God can change in us. If you don't have Jesus Christ as Lord and Master of your life, that's the first step. Ask Him to help you. Sometimes just getting the dishes wash can be overwhelming. However, God gives grace to the humble. Admit to him that you can't do it. Admit that there is sin in your life and ask Him to help you. I promise, if you mean it, he will help you. Don't give him just lip service, for he does know the difference between lip service and the heart. God has made great changes in my life, simply by me submitting my faults and issues to him. He can and will do the same for you, what ever the issue might be. I hope this helps.

Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
參考: Holy Bible kjvr
2007-11-09 9:14 pm
lol...the only way to get over laziness is to DO IT.
2007-11-09 8:55 pm
I'm the laziest person I know. I'm totally comfortable with it. I've got a full time woman that does all the cooking and cleaning. I've got the easiest job on the planet. I've just grown comfortable being poor. I'd rather be poor at home chillin', then rich, working 50 hour weeks at a stressful job. You should learn to except the way you are so you can start to enjoy doing nothing. It will change your life.
2016-11-07 4:50 pm
I Love Being Lazy
2016-03-17 9:50 am
I like being lazy sometimes. I do use it as my reward for working so hard.
2007-11-09 8:57 pm
I can't be bothered to answer this question.
Which is to say, make you real tasks fun somehow and then you might address them. Most daily stuff is either dull or stressful. Attack a small bit at a time then talk nonsense is my policy.
My father never answered the phone, on the reasoning that if the call was important, they'd phone again later; and if it wasn't important, why should he answer it?

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