how many?????

2007-11-09 3:44 pm
An elevator has a mass of 900kg, at most it uses a force which is equivalent to 17kN. How many people who weigh 75kg can the elevator maximum take?

回答 (3)

2007-11-09 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
let n = number of people
Force (N) = Mass (kg) * Gravity (m/s/s)
Gravity = 9.81 m/s/s

F = (Mass of Elevator + Mass of People)*gravity
17000N = (900 +75n)*9.81
n = 11.11

11 people who weigh 75 kg
2007-11-09 3:53 pm
If max force = 17000N
say g = 10m/s^2
force on lift = 900*10=9000N
so F=m*g
8000/10=800kg left fo people
so it can take 10
2007-11-09 3:47 pm
=12 people

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