Where do I start when writing my novel?

2007-11-09 3:29 pm
It's November 9th and I still haven't started my novel for NaNoWriMo. I have absolutely no idea where to begin. Any tips for writing a novel? My main problem seems to be commitment. Or could it possibly be passion? I start with a few sentences (or maybe just a few ideas) and never feel strongly enough about it. Any ideas? I really want to get this thing written and am desperate for any feedback.
Thanks!! : )

回答 (9)

2007-11-09 4:15 pm
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Looks like most of these people don't know what NaNoWriMo is ... but I do, because I did it last year and wrote my 50,000 words.

OK. It's a problem, the thing about NaNoWriMo is that it doesn't theoretically matter what you write as long as you write the target number. They want quantity not quality -- the idea is to get rid of your "editor" head.

There is lots of help on the site itself, and then there are the challenge forums. If you chose half a dozen of the silliest challenges and just used those as the basis for writing you'd do pretty well.

Everyday that you don't write increases the pressure, of course, but just set yourself a target you think you can meet today, and meet it. Then a slightly bigger one tomorrow and so on.

One approach would be to take a movie you really like and write the novel of it. You'll soon find that your characters start doing things that the characters in the movie didn't do. (Then add some challenges and you're away.)

Good luck!

2007-11-09 3:48 pm
Set some time aside every day to write. Some times you don't feel like writing and that's normal. I used to give myself a three line bare minimum. At least it gets you writing.

As for writing a novel in time for the end of the year, unless you work 60 hours a week till the end of that time, I say forget it. Besides, even if you did that, we only have that many creative hours a day. You may be a Balzac, a Kafka or a Dostoevsky, capable of writing for hours on end, but the rest of us can't produce much that is worthwhile once we've exceeded a certain limit.

What works for me (no guarantee it will work for you) is to start with images, scenes. These things are vague but I start writing them out. Then I have characters. I can then try to associate that with another scene and see if I can't put it together somehow.

Whatever you do, just keep writing. The story will mold itself through the process. Ideas can be very generic, but you still have to make them into a story. Here's a few ideas I haven't worked out myself, just to give you examples. I don't mind telling you, because I would consider a person very strange if they went with someone else's idea to write a book and it would most likely not be the same end product anyway. How could you possibly go with someone else's idea and write it all the way through?

-A journalist lost his wife and children in a car crash some years ago. He never got over his loss and became addicted to pain killers and antidepressant medicines. He has also acquired a fascination with death and destruction, which seem to be the only thing making him feel alive. He ends up becoming a mentor for a young reporter who, quite the opposite to him is fresh and idealistic and believes his work can change the world. Through his fascination with death, the main character ends up doing bloodier and bloodier assignments (actually seeking them out) and ends up as a war correspondent.

-The other involves an exploration of the idea of reincarnation. A person is shown going through many lives at different periods in history, as both male and female. I intend to show how these lives can be the same, as though this person was repeating a pattern that went in large circles through existence. I might give a spiritual twist to this, and try to show how enlightenment can indicate a way out.

I have written one novel which hasn't been published. Actually, I'm still working on it and going through it once more. It's an exploration of the effects of the media on the individual psyche and how capitalistic society turns into religion.

What can I tell you? Take interest in a lot of things and don't tire of learning. Write everyday. Don't despair if stories don't come out all at once; it's a marathon, not a sprint. And most important, have fun and stay true to yourself. No sense tearing your heart apart over recognition. I have made my peace with the fact I may never become a big name and that people will probably never recognize me in the street no matter how hard I work at it and that even if it does start paying, chances are I'd make more money taking a second job at minimum wage, with all the time I'm putting into this. Just remember that's not why we do it: We do it because there's a story inside that is trying to get out and it won't let us sleep until we at least give it a chance.

Just keep writing.
2016-10-02 11:22 am
Step a million. Get your theory of a e book, evaluate how long your tale is going to be, make a theory map of what you will write approximately. bear in mind plot is a million/2 of the story. Step 2. Write out your e book in a neat style and notice if it works, no count number if that's clever, if it is exciting. Step3. Now that your elementary novel has been written, bypass on line, enroll in magazines which coach you many approximately grammar and expressing your self. In a e book, consistently make the beginning up captivating, your English instructor can coach you this. Step 4. examine nicely regular books of your style, see the way it is built yet circumvent copycatting, use concepts that works, yet save originality. next, get somebody else to envision it. Step 5. upon getting ametuer proofreading, take it to a occupation proofreader and writer.
2007-11-09 5:13 pm
You need passion to start. That should help generate the commitment. Now, the writing. You obviously have a few ideas but soon get stuck. That's because you're expecting to go into the process with a general direction, hoping to arrive at a story. This is a key part of the craft, at least in my opinion and it should get the preparation it deserves. A good writer usually has more than an idea of where he/she wants to go and you need to do that that to.
To begin, write something, your idea in the center of a blank page and circle it. For each new thought, draw a line connecting it to one it came from. You'll see this a good exercise to get your thoughts going.
You can also write continuously for an allotted amount of time--never taking your pen from the paper, fingers off keyboard the whole time--even if you're just writing, "I don't know what to write, I don't know what to write." Something always comes.
When you've got a few more concrete ideas jot them into a basic outline. It's much easier to keep track of where you've been and where you're going. An outline is like a road map for writers and if you're not sure where you're going, mapping out the course, even in general way will always help.
Go from there.
Good luck.
2007-11-09 3:34 pm
You need an idea, a situation, an interesting person, something.

I recommend that you sit at your computer and just start daydreaming about some situation. Just let the words flow from your daydreams out your fingers. Don't worry about whether it's good. Just write.

You have a month. You don't have time to edit.
2007-11-09 4:07 pm
I started a story about a month ago, wrote all the present details and set it aside to start another story because the two did not seem to have a connection but they might at another writing session. Today, I remembered the story I started a month ago and picked up on the tail end. I began by asking questions about all the characters and buildings etc... to try and move the story along and I came up with some interesting questions that could produce the plots I will need.I will go about my day untill something comes of the questions and I'll write it into the story.
2007-11-09 3:51 pm
try to think any thing that you want to write, then write down some idea that you feel good and try to write them in a good sentence, if yourself not to think the grammer and try to make it as good as you can, finish writing try to read it any times, if you feel the sentence is not good as you after read please try to correct it. at last you will be a good writer.
2007-11-09 3:35 pm
thats just it, you don't have the passion for it right now. i would go somewhere inspiring to get you motivated, or do something that makes you happy. my personal experience is that when i am stuck on something, i do something that makes me happy and then my mind clears up and i am able to do my work.
2007-11-09 3:37 pm
the beginning? no just kidding. if you are asking yourself that, you are not ready to write, experience life a little and it should flow so easily , you wont have time to ask, what should I do now

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