
2007-11-10 6:50 am

回答 (2)

2007-11-10 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
【靈寶黃金】 靈寶半年少賺71% (2007-09-14 11:04:59)

靈寶黃金(3330)公布,截至今年6月底止,6個月業績期內錄得股東應佔溢利3,846.4萬元(人民幣,下同),較去年同期1.34億元跌71%,每股盈利5分,不派中期息;期內營業 額10.13億元,去年同期為9.52億元。

Based on the News comment, the business profit is decling, so recommend don't buy.
參考: Profit taking long term investor in HK
2007-11-10 7:09 am
for gold stock, dun buy 3330, first choice is 2899 , second choice is 1818, 3330 not as good as 2899 and 1818.

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