
2007-11-10 3:33 am
as title

回答 (3)

2007-11-10 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

July 30th, 2007
by Stephan Spencer

Note: SEO Title Tag 2.1.0 adds compatibility with WordPress 2.3!
Title tags are arguably the most important of the on-page factors for search engine optimization (”SEO”). It blows my mind how post titles are also used as title tags by WordPress, considering that post titles should be catchy, pithy, and short-and-sweet; whereas title tags should incorporate synonyms and alternate phrases to capture additional search visibility.
Now, thankfully, there is a solution, allowing you to decouple post titles from title tags. Introducing… the SEO Title Tag 2.1 WordPress plugin.
SEO Title Tag makes is dead-easy to optimize the title tags across your WordPress-powered blog or website. Not just your posts, not just your home page, but any and every title tag on your site! If this plugin, along with a few hours of keyword research and copywriting of optimized titles, doesn’t make a significant impact on your search traffic, you’re doing something wrong!
SEO Title Tag is authored by SEO specialist web agency Netconcepts. Version 1.0 was by Netconcepts’ president Stephan Spencer. Version 2.0 was a collaborative effort — Stephan did the concept development and Netconcepts’ code jockeys Oliver Kastler, Mike Harding and Elton Fry did all the heavy lifting. It is completely free and has been released as “open source” under the GPL license. So enjoy!
Features include:

Allows you to override a page’s or a post’s title tag with a custom one.
New for v2.0 A Title Tag input box in the Edit Post and Write Post forms. (Previously in version 1.0 you had to use the Custom Field box.)
New for v2.0 Mass editing of title tags for all posts, static pages, category pages, tag pages, tag conjunction pages, archive by month pages, — indeed, any URL — all in one go.
Define a custom title tag for your home page (or, more accurately, your Posts page, if you have chosen a static Front Page set under Options -> Reading), through the Options -> SEO Title Tag page in the WordPress admin.
New for v2.0 Define the title tag of 404 error pages, also through Options -> SEO Title Tag.
New for v2.0 Handles internal search result pages too.
For users of the UltimateTagWarrior plugin (which should be everybody!), incorporates the tag name into the title tag on “tag pages” (sorry for the confusing use of “tag” in two contexts here — as in tagging and HTML title tags).
New for v2.0 (When used with Ultimate Tag Warrior) Customize the title tags on tag pages, and on tag conjunction pages too (e.g. http://www.netconcepts.com/tag/seo+articles). The latter is done through Manage -> Title Tags -> URLs; see this screenshot for an example.
New for v2.0 Title tags of category pages can optionally be set to the category description. If you use a Meta Tag plugin like Add Meta Tags, then you should not use this feature and instead let the Meta Tag plugin use the category description for the meta description on category pages.
If you choose to keep the blog name in your title tags (not recommended!), the order of the blog name and the title are automatically reversed, giving more keyword prominence to the title instead of the blog name. Note there is also an option to replace your blog name with a shorter blog nickname.
2007-11-10 5:34 am
有d男仔會開放自己, 結識不同朋友, 同佢地交心, 咁樣就無人恰佢
你有無睇過以前一套電視劇叫康熙與小寶, 入面個小寶八面玲瓏, 同什麼人都可以打交道, 同皇帝做知交, 同天地會結拜, 重做埋神龍教教主既左右使.
其實俾人恰係因為同人地較量時, 技不如人. 當技不如人既時侯, 有d男仔會有不服輸既心態, 所以外表變得很堅強, 甚至對人有敵意, 有攻擊性.

2007-11-09 22:39:58 補充:
九型人格的第八型 ─ 領導者會有這樣特徵~~~
2007-11-10 4:11 am


參考: 奉耶穌基督之名

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