
2007-11-10 3:31 am

CPU : Intel P4 1.6GHz
RAM : PC133 512MB (2x256MB)
HDD : 40GB
FDD : 1.44MB
CD-ROM : 48X
LAN : 10/100Mb
Display : ATI 128 RagePro 32MB
Audio : Analog Devices AD1885 AC97 Codec
Interface : PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse port, Com port x2, Parallel port, USB x4 (2 front+2 rear

回答 (5)

2007-11-10 2:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should upgrade your PC. Base on the Spec. that you wrote. Everything is old. It is Pentimum 1 PC with old motherboard becuase you are using PC133 Memory, not even DDR Ram. You have very low capacity HD and Memory Card.

All I can say is your PC will be really slow when you are trying to play those games.
2007-11-10 7:25 am
[同時開幾個唔同game就唔係太好既事._."] [[ <~講下姐''你應該唔會咁做掛""]]
參考: self"
2007-11-10 4:59 am
參考: 放心
2007-11-10 3:53 am
May be can play
I think you have to upgrape the display card , RAM and CPU

2007-11-09 19:55:42 補充:
you can upgrape to C2D E4500 ,2G Ram and 1Ghz dispaly cardIf you have enough money to pay
2007-11-10 3:49 am
I Think Will Be Very Lag

your display card is so rubbish

i thank you change it wilol be batter

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