好心的人。。。進來幫個忙吧。。。 ( 10 點 !!! )

2007-11-10 3:17 am
幫我作一小段 ( 大約 5 - 6 行,Microsoft Office Word ) ge 段落
例 : along、between、under、into 等等 ge 詞語黎作。

十萬個 Thx 。。。! !
希望大家幫幫我 la !!!

回答 (2)

2007-11-10 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
希望幫到您 (助人為快樂之本) ~~~

The main office of the HSBC building is situated in Central. Visitors can take MTR to the central station Exit A, then they will arrive at the building by walking along the Queen Road's Central.

Peter said his age is between 15 and 20.

Under no circumstances shall candidates can leave the examination hall before the test is finished.

Joseph throwed his watch into the Victoria Harbour.
參考: my university level of English
2007-11-10 3:22 am
Sare 要你作
this is homework~~

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