急 20分 咩叫極權主義??

2007-11-10 3:15 am

回答 (3)

2007-11-10 3:43 am
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極權主義,Totalitarianism ,或譯全能主義,簡稱極權,是一項政治學用語,通常用於比較政治學(comparative politics),指的是一些現代政權對公眾與私人生活進行全面掌控的現象,通常用來描述第二次世界大戰期間的法西斯主義、納粹主義、史達林主義。在中國,採極權主義的政權有如古代的封建資本主義或信奉中央集權政治思想的秦朝、明朝等朝代,或是民國初年實行官僚資本主義(類似極權主義)的中國國民黨以及後來崛起的中國共產黨政權等。


影響力最大的幾位極權主義學者,例如卡爾·波普爾、漢娜·阿倫特、卡爾·J·弗里德里希(en:Carl Joachim Friedrich)、茲比格涅夫·布熱津斯基與胡安·林茲(en:Juan Linz)對極權主義的定義有些許不同。共同的認知是,極權主義動員全民支持政府與唯一的政治或宗教意識形態,排除與國家目標相左的工會、教會與政黨等異己。極權國家通常以一黨執政、秘密警察、透過政府控制的大眾媒體進行宣傳、個人崇拜、對言論自由的限制、大眾監控、以及國家恐怖主義等手段維持權力。

參考: wikipedia
2007-11-11 12:55 am
參考: ME我......文科人 + WIKI
2007-11-10 5:43 am

Introduction :
totalitarianism, a modern autocratic government in which the state involves itself in all facets of society, including the daily life of its citizens. A totalitarian government seeks to control not only all economic and political matters but the attitudes, values, and beliefs of its population, erasing the distinction between state and society. The citizen's duty to the state becomes the primary concern of the community, and the goal of the state is the replacement of existing society with a perfect society.

Various totalitarian systems, however, have different ideological goals. For example, of the states most commonly described as totalitarian—the Soviet Union under Stalin, Nazi Germany, and the People's Republic of China under Mao—the Communist regimes of the Soviet Union and China sought the universal fulfillment of humankind through the establishment of a classless society (see communism); German National Socialism, on the other hand, attempted to establish the superiority of the so-called Aryan race.

Cause :
There is no single cause for the growth of totalitarian tendencies. There may be theoretical roots in the collectivist political theories of Plato Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Karl Marx. But the emergence of totalitarian forms of government is probably more the result of specific historical forces. For example, the chaos that followed in the wake of World War I allowed or encouraged the establishment of totalitarian regimes in Russia, Italy, and Germany, while the sophistication of modern weapons and communications enabled them to extend and consolidate their power.

Features :
Despite the many differences among totalitarian states, they have several characteristics in common, of which the two most important are: the existence of an ideology that addresses all aspects of life and outlines means to attain the final goal, and a single mass party through which the people are mobilized to muster energy and support. The party is generally led by a dictator and, typically, participation in politics, especially voting, is compulsory. The party leadership maintains monopoly control over the governmental system, which includes the police, military, communications, and economic and education systems. Dissent is systematically suppressed and people terrorized by a secret police. Autocracies through the ages have attempted to exercise control over the lives of their subjects, by whatever means were available to them, including the use of secret police and military force. However, only with modern technology have governments acquired the means to control society; therefore, totalitarianism is, historically, a recent phenomenon.

By the 1960s there was a sharp decline in the concept's popularity among scholars. Subsequently, the decline in Soviet centralization after Stalin, research into Nazism revealing significant inefficiency and improvisation, and the Soviet collapse may have reduced the utility of the concept to that of an ideal or abstract type. In addition, constitutional democracy and totalitarianism, as forms of the modern state, share many characteristics. In both, those in authority have a monopoly on the use of the nation's military power and on certain forms of mass communication; and the suppression of dissent, especially during times of crisis, often occurs in democracies as well. Moreover, one-party systems are found in some nontotalitarian states, as are government-controlled economies and dictators.

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