
2007-11-10 12:15 am
i am going to finish the report by myself(我將會獨立完成這份報告)

i will arrange the meeting for myself(我將會替自己安排這個會議)

i can finish the homework everyday of myself(我能夠每天主動完成功課)

i have enough knowledge to repair the bike in myself(我本身有足夠的知識修理這部單車)



回答 (2)

2007-11-10 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some comments:

i am going to finish the report by myself(我將會獨立完成這份報告)
>>I will finish the report.
>>comment: use 'will' is better than 'am going to' as 'will' implies your determination to finish the report; and do not need "by myself" when you have used the subject 'I'.

i will arrange the meeting for myself(我將會替自己安排這個會議)
>>I will arrange the meeting.
>>comment: same as the first sentence.

i can finish the homework everyday of myself(我能夠每天主動完成功課)
>>I can take the initiative in finishing my homework everyday.
>>comment: 'take the initiative' means '主動'

i have enough knowledge to repair the bike in myself(我本身有足夠的知識修理這部單車)
>>I have sufficient skill to repair the bike.
>>comment: enough is knowledge is 學識, skill is 技術
2007-11-10 12:33 am
How to 改?
參考: me

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